DMC Runners live on Twitch: 2

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Alt+Enter M14 Major Skips

Alt+Enter M14 Major Skips

This skip is exclusive to Trish. It saves her huge form of RNG due to her performance against assaults.

General Info

  • The first fight skip is debtable its worth since it requires Backtracking vs Holy Water resource. The important bit comes after Faust fight at the Ruined Valley door. This skip is almost identical to Dante in Vanilla except that Trish starts from the opposite side which is safe from the invincible wall.
  • Rolling Thunder → PF013 Epidemic loop is used to reach over Blue Mechanism platform. It's good idea to utilize DT and Air Hike to speed up the process. Keep in mind that she still DT avaliable to go OoB
  • Alt + Enter must be done instantly as soon as you press Inazuma to go OoB.
  • The rest of the process is similar to How Dante performs his setup in M14 Vanilla version

Video Demonstration