DMC Runners live on Twitch: 1

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DMC4 Leaderboard

To submit your run refer to the SRC Boards here. This board only focuses on DMC4 runs including the points that can are gained per runner. The overall PTS standings can be found here


  • Mekarazium created story of speedrunning madness for DMC4 in RU Language. ENG subtitles is avaliable part 1 part 2

Devil May Cry 4 Leaderboard went through following changes :

  • 04/25/2017 Banned a bug that allows runner to unlock all items in the game and get 999k Red Orbs / 999k Proud Souls before the run starts.
  • 03/04/2020 Board overhaul with Consolidating subcategories to reduced the number of tabs we had and the confusions that kept going around the players.
  • 07/23/2020 LRT became the primary timing method for PC runs.
  • 09/06/2023 Allowed modified save file for Vergil and Lady/Trish runs to have a tutorial skip.
  • 10/18/2023 Updated rules for Alt + Enter skips. This because OBS layout timer to freeze “visual only”.

Marathon Runs

Sorted by the oldest run to newest

Player Category Event Language VoD
PvtCb NG Vergil Devil Hunter SGDQ2016 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Devil Hunter Vanilla ARPGME 2017 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG+ Devil Hunter Vanilla Themeathon 80s ENG - US
Mekarazium NG+ Vergil Heaven or Hell Shots Fired: Overkill ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter MWSS2018 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter pre-Themeathon2018 ENG - US
PvtCb NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter NASA 2018 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter Shots Fired: Annihilation ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter Valuethon 6 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter ESA Summer 2019 ENG - US
dakkaduck NG+ Vergil Heaven or Hell RUSC-a-thon: Baldej Edition RU
DECosmic NG Lady/Trish Devil Hunter ESATogether2020 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter SGDQ2020 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter Reddit May Cry Charity Stream II ENG - US
Tymethief NG+ Lady/Trish LDK Reddit May Cry Charity Stream III ENG - US
Tymethief NG+ Lady/Trish LDK Reddit May Cry Charity Stream IV ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter SpeedSouls Charity Marathon 2019 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter SpeedSouls Charity Marathon 2020 ENG - US
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter ESA Winter 2021 ENG - US
R3NZERO NG Vergil Devil Hunter RUSC-a-thon RU
R3NZERO NG Vergil Devil Hunter BallDJ-thon II RU
Mysterion_06_ NG+ Vergil Human SGDE 2020 DE
Mysterion_06_ NG Vergil Devil Hunter No Holidays Allowed 2020 ENG - US
Mysterion_06_ NG Vergil Devil Hunter Connect_Ger Weekend Runs DE
R3NZERO NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter Lime Aid 2.0 ENG - US
UnintendedChaos NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter HEKATHON Offline 2022 ENG - UK
AnemoneV2 NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter Belmonts Bannermen Play for Able Gamers 2022 ENG - US
DECosmic NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter SGDQ2023 ENG - US
mikotyama NG Nero/Dante Human RTA in Japan: Stylish Speedrun Showcase V JP
Mekarazium NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter HiG 2023 ENG - US
UnintendedChaos NG Nero/Dante Devil Hunter ESAWinter24 ENG - UK

See Also