DMC Runners live on Twitch: None

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Site Info

  • "For support inquiries or any inquiries about DMCSpeedrun Archive."    please email us

  • "To make a donation for helping us to cover the site/domain costs monthly"  

  • "The goal for the server cost is 6$ monthly and any extra money we receive at the end of the month will use it to benefit future DMCSpeedrun events."

LonerHero is the wiki's Director. LonerHero is in charge of the site design and takes care of updates and PHP coding duties. He is also responsible for capturing and editing most contents currently available on the site. Games of interest besides Devil May Cry are Onimusha, Ninja Gaiden, Bloodstained and many other arcade based action games.


RageCage is the co-owner of the DMCSpeedrun wiki server. Helping in the general development of Devil May Cry Speedrun Archive.

  • Waifu - General DMC Editor
  • Slickford - DMC1 Editor
  • coolkarmact - DMC1 Editor
  • Out_With_A_Yang - DMC1 Editor
  • Simoteus - DMC3 Editor
  • XirZs - DMC3 Editor
  • DECosmic - DMC4 + 5 Editor
  • UnintendedChaos - DMC4 + 5 Editor
  • JJToro - DmC Editor
  • Bulkich - DmC Editor
PTS System contributors
  • ThePackle - Back-end coder who made the data fetch from SRC owner of Tony Hawk runs
  • goatrope/ibeechu - Responsible for making the PTS formula related to HaloRuns
  • Others for helping refactor the codes to suit the site needs - RageCage/Waifu/coolkarmact