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To Do

"Here you can find the current status of the website it will be updated as we complete a page as well as list of things that needs to be done. For support inquiries or any inquiries about DMCSpeedrun Archive, please contact LonerHero on Discord."
General Content
  • Most of changes will be either typo, link fix and such.
  • Additional Information may be added if something is missing.
  • back burner Fix iPad Divinity Statue Icon menu
  • back burner Loading bar so, the users know when the page is loaded
  • Optimizing CSS. Especially with the table display on mobile
  • DMC Terms incomplete
PTS System board
  • Optional but figuring out non-subcategory to show in the data without affecting the number of runs and overall category would be nice
  • Adjust point values to the main board according to commuity needs
  • Code optimization before automation process for fast fetching
Devil May Cry 3
  • MUST DIE strategies for each bosses are outdated. They are going to be updated and polished when necessary.
  • Enemy database being filled as we double check through resources and in-game.
  • Rank Criteria check for the rest of difficulty.
  • Check if there is Official Guide Book for Special Edition release specifically.
Devil May Cry 4
  • Review it's Speedrun History
  • Need footage Boss Strategies for Vergil and Lady/Trish
  • Need damage and style point values for every character's move list
  • Need the playlist videos for Alt + Enter skips
  • Need more comprehensive resource such as Official Guide Book CAPCOM Game Strategy JAPAN.
DmC: Devil May Cry
  • Review it's Speedrun History
  • Tutorial playlist for Infinite Glides Skips
Devil May Cry 5
  • Review it's Speedrun History
  • Need damage and style point values for vergil's move list