Devil May Cry is a 2001 action-adventure game developed by Capcom Production Studio under director Hideki Kamiya and published by Capcom. Released from August to December of 2001( originally released in Japan on 23rd August) it is the first installment in the Devil May Cry series.
Note - All categories are New Game (NG) only. This means, in each category, you start from a fresh game without any weapons or upgrades carrying over (NG+). Also, each category page (link mentioned below) contains its specific leaderboard.
There are number of Strategies and movement tricks that can significantly shorten the amount of time needed to progress through the game. Devil May Cry 1 is a heavily scripted game so the following list is only a selection of possible strats most often used in speedruns.
(These rules apply to all DMC1 speedrun categories. Each category also has its own set of rules in addition to the one listed here.)