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Full Mission 13 Skip

Full Mission 13 Skip

In a room where Lusachia is V can use breach a wall there to skip the entire Mission 13 sequence. This skip was found by TheScruffington & puripuri_obasan making this level shortest in the game.


  • Inspired by Akheon find on M13 Final Fight Skip - Dante TheScruffington decided to fiddle M13 skip with V although, this brought bit of struggle on the final floor clearing. (1)
  • Zanzaken tried to give ideas for the combat on fast clearing. (2)
  • 31/03/2024 puripuri_obasan found a way to hit the level finale trigger.

General Info

  • This skip must be done in one-shot in order to be faster than how Dante regularly clears the level.
  • At the moment, there is no clear instructions or reliability of this skip being consistent.

Video Demonstration

puripuri_obasan Demo
