DMC Runners live on Twitch: 2

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General Notes

  • Attributes are special defense on enemies against certain weapons or element. (1)
  • Neo / Super Buster multipliers does not add to the Devil Buster (2)
  • Son of Sparda+ means the pattern that only occurs in higher difficulty starting from Son of Sparda.
  • BP timer Bonus are multiplied by the Stylish Rank at the time of defeat. (3)

Stylish Rank Multiplier
E x0.5
D x0.6
C x0.7
B x0.8
Stylish Rank Multiplier
A x1.0
S x1.5
SS x2.25
SSS x3.0

Enemy Data

Press Ctrl + F to search for specific Enemies or Bosses!


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +2
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Whirling tail only performed in this difficulty or higher.
Other notes
  • Continous Attack is up to 5 with both hands.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Right hand attack 300
Left hand attack 300
Two-handed attack 750
Continous Attack (200~150) ×2 → 500
Fire rush 850
Turn around attack 400
Whirling tail 500

Green Empusa

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • on hit ×1.5
BP Timer Bonus
  • +2
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Heals enemies by 50% instead with much wider range.
Other notes
  • Shooting bullet can be a single or 3-way.
  • Can heal enemies by 25% within the range.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Melee attack 200
Shooting Bullet 350

Red Empusa

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • Hit ×0.2
BP Timer Bonus
  • +60
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Bum Swing is used after a right or left handed attack.
  • Red Empusa will flee if it starts doing Bum hitting attack.
Other notes
  • -
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Right hand attack 400
Left hand attack 400
Bum Swing 850
Bum hitting attack 650

Empusa Queen

Damage multiplier
  • Regular ×0.9
  • Head & Kidney ×1.1
  • Whole body after going red ×0.8
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +30
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • The amount of hits from Hit-Grab varies per difficulty level.
Other notes
  • V's familiar receives ×2.5 damage at the moment of slapping from two handed attack.
  • If got hit by the final hit of Empusa Rage, she will follow it up with a Hit-Grab.
  • When Empusa Queen performs jump attack it will absorb for red state if there is an orb or blood around.
  • If grabbed, it's possible to escape from it with button mashing.
  • Possible to parry Press Attack. Otherwise player will get dug out.
  • If player got hit from Jump Press it will shift to a digging attack. Otherwise it will look for orb or pool of blood to absorb.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
766+ 1113+ ×2 ×5.25
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Right hand attack 700
Left hand attack 700
Two handed attack 800
Turn-around attack 800
Empusa Rage 225 × hits → 260
Hit-Grab 225 × certain number of times
Press attack 800
Counter Attack 800
Counter Attack [Finishing Throw] 200
Ground Attack on apperance 300
Jump Press 800 ~ 1000

Hell Caina

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +4
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • Usually performs running attack from a long distance.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
400+ Air: 300 600+ Air: 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Horizontal Cut 750
Vertical Cut 750
Turn around Cut 850
Running Attack 1200

Hell Antenora

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +12
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Has a Counter Attack version that immediately delivers in the air.
Other notes
  • Always prompts to Counter Attack whenever player knocks it down.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Double Slash 800
Slash Finisher 1000
Counter Attack 700
Deflect Attack 700
Jump Counter Attack 700

Hell Judecca

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +30
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Quick Cross is a faster version of Judecca's teleport.
Other notes
  • Can summon Hell Caina and Antenora
  • Always teleports away when knocked down.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
470 Air: 570 550 Air: 650 ×2 ×5.25
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Basic Scythe [Long Range] 1100
Cross Cut [Long Range] 1100
Launch [Long Range] 1100
Continous Attack [Long Range] 1400
Basic Scythe [Close Range] 750
Push Counter 900
Teleport Attack [Beneath Player] 1200
Rotating Scythe 1200
Teleport Attack [Quick Cross] 750


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • Slash & Hit ×1.5
  • Flame ×0.75
  • Ice ×1.25
BP Timer Bonus
  • +3
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Magma is an extra effect from Flame shot where it leaves area of effect.
Other notes
  • Can repel the flame shot which deals 500 damage against any enemies.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Flame Shot 600
Vertical fireline laser 600
Melee Flame Attack 500
Magma 100


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • Fire Arms & Flame ×0.5
  • Ice ×1.5
BP Timer Bonus
  • +10
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Rush Attack can be done 2 times in a row.
Other notes
  • Flame Radiation keeps the Hellbat spitting flames for a certain amount of time.
  • Attacks multiple flame bullets similar to shotgun. It's still possible to repel which deals 500 damage against any enemies.
  • Self-destruct only occurs when Hellbat core is still intact at 1HP. It deals 2000 when inflicted on Enemy friendly fire.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Melee Flame Attack 500
Flame Radiation 300
Flame Shell 600
Self-destruct 1000
Rush Attack 900

Death Scissors

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +15
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • The gleaming tell is removed.
Other notes
  • Drill Rush has two versions and it usually occurs when Death Scissor is the last enemy left.
  • Shears can sustain a fair amount of damage, and are destroyed in two parts.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
One Shot Kill One Shot Kill ×2 ×8
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Shears Attack 750
Shears Attack [Long Range] 750
Shears Attack [U-Turn] 750
Scissor Swing 1100 → 800
Counter Scissor Rotation 1100
One Pair Slash 750
Triple Thrust 800 → 800 → 900
Attack from the floor or wall 800
Drill Rush 900
Scissor Fall 650


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +12
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Quick Draw gap is much smaller which jumps at the player before a scratch.
  • Can switch from Four-legged Dash into Rotating Tackle. Only 1 degree per 1 body.
Other notes
  • Four-legged Dash can follow up with headbutt that does 100 damage.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Quick Scratch 600
Tome-Pull-Draw 800
Tail Attack 700
Jumping Claws 1200
Four-legged Dash 750
Leapfrog Claw 1000
Double Jump 500 → 580
Wall Attack 850
Quick Draw 750
Rotating Tackle 1000


  • Body: 1500
  • Back: 200
Damage multiplier
  • Back Billet ×0.1
  • Fire Arms ×0.25 [Back]
BP Timer Bonus
  • +12
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • Somersault Attack happens when the player is in the air.
  • Fire Arms will stop the Chaos' High Speed Rush and leave it prone on the ground.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
300 450 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Tail Thrust [Stab] 700
Tail Screaming 1000
Left and Right Tail swipe 600 → 700
Somersault Tail Attack 750
Turn around Attack 700
Mucus Spitting 500
Turning Lunges 100 × 3 + 500
High Speed Rush [Slow] 100 × 3 + 500
High Speed Rush [Fast] 100 × 3 + 500


Damage multiplier
  • General ×2
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +30
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Hard Impact is a sudden attack where it appears in player's position out of nowhere.
Other notes
  • 2nd phase Slash can be interrupted but instantly goes back to invincible
  • The Rush attack has 3 to 5 consecutive attacks. The number and pattern changes depend on the current HP
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
400 600 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Slash 900 → 900 → 1000
Left/Right Rush 700 → 600 → 400 → 1100
Hard Impact 900 → 1300


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • Flame ×1.25
  • Ice ×0.5
BP Timer Bonus
  • +10
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Double Ice Magic get released in 5 consecutive times.
  • Ice Berg gets generated 3 times.
Other notes
  • If got hit with small version of Ice Magic, it will deal 100 damage
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
350+ 563 Air:500 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Icicles 900
2 Ice Magic 400
Large Ice 700
Ambient Freezing Magic 500
Ice Bergs 900
Double Ice Magic 400


Damage multiplier
  • General ×1.5
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +10
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Produces 5 Lightning Cloud.
Other notes
  • If got hit with small version of Ice Magic, it will deal 100 damage.
  • Great Dark Magic removes barrier after activation.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
350+ 563 Air:500 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Ice Magic [Large] 1100
Omen Light 1600
Great Dark Magic 2200
Lightning Cloud 650


  • Main: 4500
  • Left and Right Armor: 500
  • Tail Fasteners: 300
Damage multiplier
  • Body ×1.1
  • Tongue ×2.0
  • Fire Arms [Body] ×1.4
  • Fire Arms [Tongue] ×1.5
BP Timer Bonus
  • +30
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Ground Dive tracks the player.
Other notes
  • Lunge attack will rush continuously if Restrained mode relreased.
  • Rampage happens only when released. It's an attack that turns around first.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
550 750 ×2 ×5.25
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Small Head [Restrained] 700
Big Head [Restrained] 1200
Four-forked Attack [Restrained] 700
Tongue Swing 850
Turn around attack 850
Backward hip attack 850
Jump Attack 1200
Rampage 1500
Lunge Attack 1300
Ground Dive [Restrained] 1600


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +30
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • Slam Attack is a grab that only happens when Nobody is wearing a mask.
  • Has ability to drain DT-Gauge when wearing mask by dancing.
  • The damage multiplier will be changed into ×0.9 when wearing mask. It will also perform ×1.3 damage. Removing the mask will make them receive ×3 damage.
  • Has ability to recall another Nobody when wearing the mask.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
500 700 ×2 ×15
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Double arm attack 700 → 700
Turn Around Attack 700
Small Jump Punch 800
Big Jump Attack 1200
Slam Attack 500 → 1200
Eye Bomb 800

Scudo Angelo

1300 3900
Damage multiplier
  • When Shield is destroyed ×1.5
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +15
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • Possible to stop shield pattern by destroying it.
  • Usually attempts for Formation Attack when Proto Angelo is around.
  • Enters in dying state if Formation Attack is parried.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
500 750 ×2 ×8
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Sword Slash 650
Hook and Slash 650
Slashing up 700
Shield Bash 900
Stinger 750
Continous Attack 650
Distance Jamming, Slashing up 850
Stinger [Formation Attack] 300
Shield Bash [Formation Attack] 300

Proto Angelo

3500 7000
Damage multiplier
  • When HP is less than 30% ×0.5
  • -
BP Timer Bonus
  • +30
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • Enters in dying state if Formation Attack is parried.
  • Usually attempts for Formation Attack when Scudo Angelo is around.
  • Enters Boost Mode when HP is less than 30%. Other than Damage Multiplier, his speed will increase by 1.3 times. Also gains new pattern Lotus Rush.
  • One of his sword slash can lead to target marking and continuous attack.
  • Backsteps with Sword Play whenever player attacks infront of him.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
500 750 ×2 ×8
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Sword Slash 800
High Time 850
Horizontal Slash 700
Shield Bash 900
Mark it 950
Lotus Rush 1250
Super Sweep [Formation Attack] 1500
Super Slam [Formation Attack] 1600

Boss Data

Urizen [Enthroned]

  • Main: 6000
  • Ice Shield: 11000
Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Special
  • Attack Power in Bloody Palace changes into ×0.55
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Throws Larger Slow Sphere.
  • Fire Ball releases 2 more consective shots in a straight line.
Other notes
  • Releases shockwave that pushes player far away whenever it feels like to.
  • Fire Ball can be reflected with a melee attack or Grebera.
  • Urizen Attack Power varies from ×1-3 which depends on the Ice Shield. Destroying that Shield makes it fixed by ×3
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
500+ 690+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Counter Spike 1200
Laser Rain 400
Conerging Laser 1300
Fire Ball 1400
Aqua Pillar 1000

Qliphoth Roots

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • Flame: ×1.1
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Large tentacles starts attacking.
Other notes
  • When HP is reduced stick out is performed continuously with 2 tentacles.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
800 1080 ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Thrust Attack 700
Tentacle attack 1200
Tentacle Dive 1000
Stick Out 800
Large Tentacle thrust 1000


Health (M14)
10000 (5000)
Damage multiplier
  • Body: ×0.9
  • Head: ×1
  • Legs: ×0.6
  • Ice: ×1.2
  • Fire Arms: ×0.75
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Goliath Shoots Flame Bullet 2 times.
Other notes
  • Damage multiplier changes when Tempo mode is high.
  • Lunge Finisher can be countered with Overture and Buster.
  • It's possible to deflect Flame Bullet with Melee.
  • Tornado suck deals 150 in 20 frames with the final blow being 1300 damage. It's possible to escape with DT.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
Regular 1100+ 1200+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Counter 1110+ 1498+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Double Uppercut 750
Single Slam 850
Flank Attack 750
Back Attack 750
Double Slam 1200
Anti-Air Punch 600
Step-in Attack 750
Lunge 1000
Lunge Finisher 1400
Pillar Shake 1000
Pillar Throw 1000
Tempo mode switch 1500
Flame Ball 1400
Roof Tiles / Car Throw 1100
Tower Collapse 600


Health (M14)
  • Main: 10000 (3000)
  • Drones: 35
Damage multiplier
  • -
Attributes Drones
  • On hit: ×0.85
  • Fire Arms: ×0.4 ×2
  • Thunder: ×2 ×1.25
  • Drones Sword: ×1.25
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Homing Missiles receives more bullets.
  • Horizontal Laser lasts longer as it moves different direction.
  • Particle Laser can do double shots.
  • Attacking Artemis 8 times will cause her to release a shockwave.
Other notes
  • When Artemis HP is less than 30% drones will receive ×2 HP boost.
  • Laser Rain has 3 different patterns. Horizontal, Vertical and Rain. Sometimes these patterns are performed together continuously.
  • Going through Ring of Beams grants you free Stylish Points.
  • Energy Blast is only occurs when Artemis HP is less than 60%. Dealing enough damage against her will cause her a knockdown.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
1130+ 1485+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Lunge Attack 1500
Laser Rain 400
Homing Missiles 500
Horizontal Laser 700
Particle Laser 700
Energy Bullet [Drones] 500
Ring of Beams [Drones] 750
Self-Destruct [Drones] 750
Laser Beam 1300
Energy Blast 2500
Shockwave 1000


  • Main: 5000
  • Tentacles: 660
Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Attack notes
  • Six Swipes can be stopped halfway
  • Attack Pattern changes after Nidhogg is stunned once
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
- - - -
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Double Slash 800
Six Swipes 800
Rush Attack 1200
Helm Splitter 1500
Joint Rush 1000
Tentacle Rush 650
Side Tentacle Swipe 650
Tentacle Mark 650
Tentacle Cutback attack 650
Vomit 400

Elder Geryon

Damage multiplier
  • Fluctuates between ×0.35 and ×1.7
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • In a normal Frame Rate Damage multiplier should be ×1 by default.
  • It's possible to interrupt the attack patterns with the right Nightmare summons
  • There are 3 types of Slow Spheres. Notable ones are dome-shaped and whole arena. If V touches the Slow Sphere, it increases Elder Geryon speed.
  • Slow Sphere can also lower Damage multiplier.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
- - - -
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Sword Sweep 1200
Sword Thrust 1200
Sword Rush 800
Stinger 800
Electric Shock 1200
Sword Thrust [Jump] 1500
Ground Radiation 1800
Geryon's Lunge 1500
Geryon's Kick 700
Discharge 1800
Electric Bullets 800
Ground Floor Attack 1800


  • Main : 15000
  • Legs : 500~600
  • Upper Legs : 180
Damage multiplier
  • When knocked down ×0.25
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Increases the number of laser and missile rounds.
  • The interval between the throns is shortened.
  • Throws 2 or more disks.
Other notes
  • When Gilgamesh gets up or if player is on his back, it will start putting out throns.
  • Missile will be fired when the distance with the player is more than 50m.
  • Flying disk is used when Gilgamesh moves half-way the map.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
1100+ 1200+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Trampling 1000
Body Press 1500
Ground Damage 500
Laser 500
Missile 800
Throns 1000
Flying Disc 700
Lunges while squatting 1500
Leg Rush 1200
Squatting Scratch 1000

Cavaliere Angelo

Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Cavaliere will use Sudden Slash more often along with its second and ender follow up.
Other notes
  • Always starts with Electric Bullets.
  • Majority of his sword related attacks can be clashed with melee.
  • His Combo A Ender can be cancelled between High Time, Quick Thrust, Discharge or Rotating Slash.
  • Lightning Strike is used after discharge, bouncing back with shield or while walking. 3 strikes if he has enough power otherwise its 1.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
830+ 1142+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Combo A [First Hit] 600
Combo A [Second Hit] 500
Combo A [Third Hit] 500
Combo A [Ender] 850
High Time 700
Quick Thrust 700
Discharge 1500
Rotating Slash 650
Sudden Slash [First Stage] 1800
Electric Bullets 450
Lightning Strike 500
Sudden Slash [Second Stage] 1500
Sudden Slash [Ender] 1800

Urizen [Covered in Roots]

  • Main: 10000
  • Ice Shield: 11000
Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Special
  • His defense vs. Nero/Dante = ×0.5 V = ×0.4
  • Attack Power in Bloody Palace changes into ×0.55
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Throws Larger Slow Sphere.
  • Fire Ball releases 2 more consective shots in a straight line.
  • Qliphoth drop for recovery orb changes.
Other notes
  • Fire Ball can be reflected with a melee attack or Grebera.
  • Front Punch damage is seperated between direct hit, shockwave and tentacles.
  • Instantly recovers Ice Shield when Urizen HP is less than 50%
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
1100+ 1518+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Front Punch 1200 / 500 / 1000
Left/Right Tentacle 1400
Homing Tentacle 400 → 1200
Backward Attack 1000
Rotating Attack 1600
Counter Spike 1200
Laser Rain 400
Conerging Laser 1300
Fire Balls 1400
Aqua Pillar 1000


Damage multiplier
  • Magicians: ×1.1
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Press is done 2 consective times.
Other notes
  • Malphas pattern usually depends on the player's distance.
  • It's possible to parry Beak Attack, Back Kick and Wrap Attack with melee.
  • Big Explosion is done at lowest HP. If interrupted, then Malphas will get knocked down.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
1236 1596 ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Beak Attack 800
Press 1200
Wrap Attack 850
Wrap Body Press 1500
Normal Rush 1800
Runaway Rush 1800
Berserk Rush 1800
Crystal Bullet 700
Crystal Spikes 1000
Big Explosion 2500

King Cerberus

  • Body: 13000
  • Fire Head: 1000
  • Ice and Thunder Head: 750
  • Front Legs: 550
Damage multiplier
  • Body: ×0.5
  • Active Neck: ×1
  • Inactive neck & front leg: ×0.5 Nero: ×0.4
  • -
BP Special
  • Bloody Palace Changes his HP: vs. Nero = ×0.7 Dante = ×0.6 V = ×0.55
  • V gets ×1.25 damage multiplier against this boss overall.
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Increases the number of icicles that remains on the ground.
  • Increases the number of occurrneces for Thunderbolts and Line of Thunder
Other notes
  • Active neck is the one that controls the current mode.
  • Extra effect of Front-Scratch occurs only if the ground is soil. Fire damage until disengaged which can be received up to 1000
  • His attack changes depending on the players position. For example, Tail swipe happens when player is behind King Cerberus
  • Great Liar, Body Blow and Lightning Laser is used when HP is less than 50%
  • Darkness before your eyes is a two consecutive lies performed in the middle of a series of attacks. May be used when a player is nearby during a sequence of attacks.
  • Mode Change between the elements deals 1500 damage
  • Icicle pillars can be destroyed.
  • Thunderbolts can be destroyed with Fire Arms. The range effect extends when it touches the water.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
2100 2870 ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data [Flame Mode]
Attack Damage
Front Scratching Flame Part 750 500
Ground Mark 800
Horizontal Scratch 650
Tail Swipe 500
Rush 1200
Darkness before your eyes 700
Great Liar 1650
Attack Data [Ice Mode]
Attack Damage
Icicles 500
Ice breath 800
Falling Ice Blocks 260
Body Blow 1200
Tail Swipe 500
Front Scratching 750
Attack Data [Thunder Mode]
Attack Damage
Thunderbolts 500
Line of Thunder 1000
Lightning Laser 1200
Electrified Aura 700
Tail Swipe 500
Front Scratching 750
Effects for Each Mode
Flame Body burns and sustains damage
Ice Body freezes and cannot move for a short while
Thunder Body is electrified and movement is slowed down

Urizen [True Form]

Damage multiplier
  • General: ×0.75
  • Fire Arms: ×0.4
BP Special
  • Bloody Palace Changes his HP: vs. Nero/Dante = ×0.5 V = ×0.4
  • Attack Power in Bloody Palace changes into ×0.55
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • Foot Strike and Heel Drop are derived from Phase 3
  • Fire Ball can be reflected with a melee attack or Grebera.
  • Destroying Homing Swords grants DT gauge bonus. Usually occurs when caught in slow sphere
  • Each phase changes his attack pattern.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
1468+ 2028+ ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Fist-Bump 1000
Left-handed giver 1400
Foot Strike 1600
Heel Drop 1600
Right Rotational Kick 1400
Payout Pack Steps 700
Upper 1100 → 1100
Turn-around attack left/right 800
Tackle 1200 → 1400
Conerging Laser 1300
Laser Rain 400
Aqua Pillar 1000
Fire Balls 1400
Homing Swords 350
Ground Spikes 500
Special Kick 1600
Special Uppercut 1600


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • The higher the difficulty and the lower the griffon's HP, the larger the Blockade become and more of the pillars will appear.
Other notes
  • Round Robin deals more the closer that player is to Griffon.
  • Only 3 sets of lightning bullets are fired. Follows up with Blockade.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
- - - -
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Flank Attack 500
Round Robin S 100 → 300
Round Robin M 250 → 500
Round Robin L 250 → 500
Bullet 200
Blockade 850
Double Check [Ball Part] 800
Double Check [Lightning Line] 800


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Bayonet receives Guillotine and Shuriken thrust effect.
  • Anti-Air adds a drill attack.
  • Adds Breakthrough move.
  • Adds Hedgehog move which is performed after stalemate.
Other notes
  • Left and Right Claw Scratch can be followed up by different routes. Similar to V's moveset of Combo A B or C. This can also be followed up by Arbiter.
  • Only 3 sets of lightning bullets are fired. Follows up with Blockade.
  • Anti-Air third attack is second hit of Claw Scratch from a combo starter.
  • Gear Attack is performed after stalemate.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
- - - -
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Left and Right Claw Scratch 300
Arbiter 750
Noodle-snatching 900
Bayonet [In The Air] 200/10F
Bayonet [Fall and Rush] 1100
Anti-Air Attack 350 ×3
Anti-Air Attacks [Drill] 150/6F
Bite Rush 150 → 1050
Neck Swing 100 → 500
Skewer 1800
Gear Attack 750
Hedgehog 1200
Breakthrough 1000


Damage multiplier
  • Body: ×0.8
  • Core [Head]: ×1
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Adds Ground Punch pattern.
Other notes
  • Nightmare always starts with Strongpoint / Critical Position pattern.
  • Rotational Movement Punch is a Combo B Ender move.
  • Domination A powerful straight line long-range attack performed after using Friend Recover. Damage is split between Multi-stage hit/partial -> "Ender"
  • Friend Recover occurs when either Griffon or Shadow has less than 50% HP each of them will receive 25% of Nightmare's HP. Over 90 frames, Nightmare's HP is reduced to 25%, and Griffon and Shadow's HP is recovered to 1/8 of Nightmare's remaining HP. Griffon and Shadow's HP will recover 1/8 of Nightmare's remaining HP.
  • When Nightmare HP is less than 70% it destroys a specific gimmick and recovers its own up to 40% of its maximum HP over 150 frames.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
- - - -
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Combo A 1000 → 1000 → 1500
Swinging back and forth 1000
Desperado 1200 → 1200
Rotational Movement Punch 600 → 1200
Metor Summon 1500
Strongpoint / Critical Position 800
Domination 100/15F → 1800
Ground Punch 1200


Health (Yamato Mazin)
10000 (200)
Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
BP Special
  • Health: 7500
  • Attack Power: ×0.5
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • Adds Rising Star move which he combos it with Aerial Rave A.
  • Adds Quick Rapid Slash.
  • Uses Heavy Rain Blades which has total of 32 swords.
Other notes
  • His HP in M20 Human and Devil Hunter is 7000
  • His SDT form gives huge boost to his defence and damage.
  • Judgement Cut used 3 in a row during second phase.
  • Judgement Cut End used when Vergil HP is less than 50% and has a cool down of 90~120s
  • Regular Mirage Sword is Four consecutive shots.
  • Blistering Blades only used when Vergil is in SDT form.
  • Most Summoned Swords moves can be deflected back to Vergil. 500 damage to him on success.
  • Spiral Blades disappears after 3 hits to the player and can only be deflected when fired.
  • Being stunned from his Summoned Swords will grant vergil direct damage of his Hit-Grab.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
Regular/Air 1300/900 1755/1215 ×1.7 ×2.3
Gliding Rush Counter 800 1080 ×1.7 ×2.3
Doppelganger 500 675 ×1.7 ×2.3
Doppelganger + Vergil 1755 1755 ×1.7 ×2.3
Attack Data
Attack Damage
Combo A [First two hits] 450
Combo A [Last two hits] 225 ×2 → 500
Combo A [SDT Ender] 500 → 500
Combo B [Ender] 500
Aerial Rave A [SDT Ender] 450 → 400 → 500
Upper Slash 600
Aerial Cleave 600
Rapid Slash 700
Gliding Rush [SDT] 2800
Hit-Grab [Fail] 500
Hit-Grab [Direct Damage] 1500
Mirage Blade 100
Blistering Blades 100
Storm Blades 100
Spiral Blades 100
Judgement Cut 400
Judgement Cut End 2000
Rising Star 700
Quick Rapid Slash 500
Heavy Rain Blades 100


Damage multiplier
  • -
  • -
Son of Sparda+ notes
  • -
Other notes
  • Starts to use King Cerberus and Double Kalina Ann in Mission 20 along with SDT.
  • Will often use Royal Revenge when approaching and walking.
  • His attack pattern changes from 60% HP Phase and 30% HP Phase.
  • In Mission 20, Dante will use Quadruple S to get quick follow-ups from Revolver.
  • Judgment does not have an attack range in all areas, and it does not hit if player leaves a certain distance.
Buster Damage
Buster Devil Buster Neo Buster Super Buster
- - - -
Attack Data - Mission 19
Attack Damage
[DSD] Million Stabs → Rainstorm → Air Trick -
[DSD] Helm Breaker → FireWorks -
[DSD] Combo B -
[Barlog] Fly Dragon -
[Barlog] Friction -
[DSD] Dance Macabre -
[Barlog] Pyromania -
[Dr. Faust] Red Hot Night -
Attack Data - Mission 20
Attack Damage
[Barlog] Air Trick Friction Barrage ×3 -
[DSD] High Time → Aerial Rave → Helm Breaker -
[King Cerberus] Combo A → Air Trick → Revolver → Revolution -
[King Cerberus] Combo B → Revolver → Combo → Long Revolver -
[King Cerberus] Rock Back → King Slayer -
[King Cerberus] Rock Back → Crystal -
[King Cerberus] Swing -
Multiple Twins -
Cascade -
Mega Cascade -
SDT Combo -
Sin Stinger -
Sin Inferno -
The Luce -
Demolition -
Judgement -


1) DMC5 Official Complete Game Guide (2019): Tankobon Hardcover. Mission Strategy, Enemy commentary; p. 114 - 222.
2) DMC5 Official Complete Game Guide (2019): Tankobon Hardcover. Skill Explanation, Nero's buster's attack power; p. 104.

3) DMC5 Official Complete Game Guide (2019): Tankobon Hardcover. Mission Strategy, Bloody Palace; p. 242.