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This patch is only available for those who have an access to PC retail disc files. This is the best version for Dante Any% speedruns due to the access of infinite glide. For PS3 and X360 you can just delete Installed Game Data and stop using internet for the update.

Steam had the patches and nerfs right from the launch. This means you will need to download 3.52 GB files. Though, there are some key notes to keep in mind:

  • Turn off auto-updates when lauching the game. To do that, right click the game on Steam —> Properties —> Updates. You need “Always keep this game updated” on and NOT “Only update this game when I launch it”.
  • Make a back-up of your current DmC game before replacing it with Older version from the Retail copy. To do that find the installed folder ( If you don't know where it's installed you can right click the game on Steam —> Properties —> Local Files —> Browse ) and make a copy. You can always keep 2 copies to switch between Retail copy and Steam.
  • You cannot play Vergil's Downfall because it will always crash once you select it. This patch is pre-release to that mode and game balances.
  • Angel Mode and Demon Mode has slower activation rate which basically causes the infinite climb to be slower. Therefore, if you prefer doing Any% runs without infinite glide then play current Steam patch.

Steam Update History

  • 14/02/2013 depot_220441
  • 20/02/2013 Bloody Palace Update depot_229080
  • 27/02/2013 Content Update depot_220442
  • 05/03/2013 Vergil's Downfall Update depot_223793
  • 10/04/2013 General Update
  • 10/09/2014 Current patch depot_220441 Manifest ID 6406147301489057498