Few things lead to frustration quicker than when you need to play the original DMC3 PC 2006 Port in a pinch, and your game doesn’t want to cooperate. Assuming you followed either:
By default 2.4.3. is configured to enable the style switching mod itself and disable music and cutscenes. To enable music and cutscenes change the values of these parameters to these:
StyleSwitcher=0 SkipIntro=0 DisableBGMEngine=0 SkipCutscene=0 EnableHotkeys=0 (prevents F1, F2 and F3 from removing HUD, giving everything invincibility or one-touch-death) HideCursor=1 DEVIL_AIR_HIKE=1 DEVIL_AIR_TRICK=1 DEVIL_SKY_STAR=1
These affect the graphical effects, such as fog (M8), lighting and blur. If you have lighting turned on, the bosses in M18 will be colored the same as the background making them hard to see:
DisableFogOverlay=1 ForceDynamicLighting=0 DisableBlurOverlay=1
Yes to practice more efficiently in certain segements. After all, StyleSwitcher has an arcade mode that lets you pre-select your missions and equipment on start and other features like reset room and 0 death..etc. Therefore, you don't have to do the whole mission again. To have two installations of a game on Steam
Copy all the files to Steam\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry 3\data2 or Steam\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry 3\native\rom
Before trying anything else, make sure to disable Steam Input through Steam library by Right Click DMC3 > properties > controller > disable steam input from the dropdown list and test through the game.
This issue is usually case by case for most players but with dmc3tools, it should work especially after you install vcredist 2005. If the problem still presists:
If your controller is not Playstation or Xbox then you need to create a new definition in DMC3SE.ini
[<controller name>] START = SELECT = CIRCLE = TRIANGLE = SQUARE = CROSS = L1 = R1 = L2 = R2 = L3 = R3 = L<->R =
The method with the triggers does not work in the latest version of Style Switcher and instead must use a middleware called XInput Plus
You have to manually adjust the hud depending on your aspect ratio. Copy the one you want, then paste into the StyleSwitcher.ini
HUD 4:3 UI.HP1Frame =-10,-10 UI.HP1Bar =-10,-10 UI.HP1Bg =-10,-10 UI.HP2Frame =-10,-10 UI.HP2Bar =-10,-10 UI.HP2Bg =-10,-10 UI.MPGauge =-10,-10 UI.StyleIcon =-10,-10 UI.RedOrbCounter =10,-10 UI.Timer =-15,-10 UI.Objective =-15,-10 UI.WeaponIcon1 =-10,0 UI.WeaponIcon2 =10,0 UI.StyleRank =10,-10 UI.StyleBar =530,52 UI.RoomText =10,200 UI.RoomText.Step =-2 UI.BossFrame =0,20 UI.BossBar =0,20 UI.BossBg =0,20 HUD HD UI.HP1Frame =-40,-20 UI.HP1Bar =-40,-20 UI.HP1Bg =-40,-20 UI.HP2Frame =-40,-20 UI.HP2Bar =-40,-20 UI.HP2Bg =-40,-20 UI.MPGauge =-40,-20 UI.StyleIcon =-40,-20 UI.RedOrbCounter =40,-20 UI.Timer =-40,-20 UI.Objective =-40,-20 UI.WeaponIcon1 =-40,0 UI.WeaponIcon2 =40,0 UI.StyleRank =40,-20 UI.StyleBar =507,58 UI.RoomText =-50,200 UI.RoomText.Step =-2 UI.BossFrame =0,20 UI.BossBar =0,20 UI.BossBg =0,20