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Elemental Status
DT - 100 Thunder - 100
Fire - 100 Wind - 100
Ice - 100 Light - 100


Lady is encountered as the level boss of Mission 16. The point of this fight is to skip her grenades phase that can cost significant amount of time.


Dante needs to enter this fight with 1.5 Rage-meter for phase skip. Two Cycle & One Cycle requires full Rage-meter stock and DT Rapid Stinger start up
  • Taunt, guard her bullets.
  • Keep distance and when she aims, DT and do Beo Killer Bee into Combo A x2
  • Taunt, guard, stay still to see if she runs away or hookshots → run through the middle of the room and wait for her to aim.
  • DT Killer Bee Beo Combo A, Release, Combo A spam to skip grenade phase
  • Taunt and parry if she hookshots, if not DT Killer Bee and Combo A when she launches Hysteria.
  • One Cycle has so many variables to achieve. The Release timing can vary on Lady's position. This also depends how fast that the player can get in the position where she lands. It's extremely likely for her to use the hookshot if you manage to corner her at any bookshelf pillars.
Vergil has to be very specific with his Combos so he can push Lady into a position where PS can consistently hit her. He should buy 5th Purple Orb before entering the fight.
  • Jump to dodge her bullets.
  • Keep distance and when she aims, DT and do StarFall SC with Beo 1,2 FE 1 then Combo A Yam.
  • Roll aside while shooting PS to avoid her counter-TMP shots.
  • She will immediately aim again. This time start PS after StarFall then SC with Beo 1,2 FE 1.
  • After the second FE switch to Yam for Combo A let the sheath animation finish to restore some DT.
  • See if she hookshots, if not StarFall, start PS and SC with Beo 1,2 FE 1 into Combo A when she launches Hysteria.


  • Same as NG Normal, but extended with more varied attacks.
  • Use DT to avoid rockets and she always jumps behind for each cycle.
  • Take advantage of Yam taunt.
  • Dante can use QS to phase skip.

Video Demonstration

Regular 3 Cycle with Dante.

Ideal fight with Vergil

This is the first optimal fight with Dante by hies.

2 Cycle without Gold release

Dante's optimal one cycle Requires full RG Stock

It's good to check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) if you have general questions regarding the bosses.