DMC Runners live on Twitch: 2

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General Notes

Stun values are only applied to the regular enemies only.

(1) Each enemy Attack Level has different classification:

  • Lv1 Guard possible/Ultimate possible.
  • Lv2 Guard breaks/Ultimate possible.
  • Lv3 Guard breaks/Ultimate breaks.
  • Lv4 Guard impossible/Ultimate possible.
  • Lv5 Guard impossible/Ultimate impossible.

Guard break means held-down Royalguard breaks and Dante takes damage. Guard/Ultimate being impossible lead to knockback and damage. Enemy elemental resistances are in percentage eg. 100 means an enemy takes 100% damage, 95 means only 95% damage and 105 means 105% damage.

Attack Rate means the melee and ranged damage resistance an enemy has, eg. 100 is 100% and 30 is 30%.

Chance time refers to an attack being able to clash with the player's. The clash can create more frame advantage to the player.

Difficulty Modifiers
Mode Health Damage modification
Easy ×0.5 ×0.5
Normal ×1 ×1
Hard ×2 ×1.25
MUST DIE ×3 ×4
When DT is active, Armor rating becomes ×5 and ATK is reduced by 1/3

Enemy Data

Press Ctrl + F to search for specific Enemies or Bosses!

Hell Pride

Health (Exp)
250 (42)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Horizontal Cut only appears on Very Hard and Dante Must Die difficulties.
Other Notes
  • Will block on Very Hard/DMD.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Vertical Cut Lv1 700 350 -
Horizontal Cut Lv1 800 400 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 6 6
DT 30 30

Hell Envy

Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • -
Other Notes
  • Can only be knocked down upon spawning.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Vertical Cut Lv1 700 350 -
Horizontal Cut Lv1 800 400 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 12 60
DT 60 300

Hell Wrath

Health (Exp)
500 (70)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: -
  • Ranged: 500
Attack Notes
  • Attacks when player stays close for ~3 seconds
Other Notes
  • Can only be damaged with guns and DT
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Suicide Bombing Lv4 1500 750 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 20,000 20,000
DT 100,000 100,000

Hell Sloth

Health (Exp)
1200 (168)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Sloth will scream before doing the attack.
Other Notes
  • Sloth warps around randomly.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Warp Attack Lv1 700 350 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 12 12
DT 60 60

Hell Greed

Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 66
  • Ranged: 66
Attack Notes
  • Coffin Spin hits twice, Coffin Set once and will spawn more enemies.
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Coffin Spin Lv2 600 300 -
Coffin Set Lv2 400 200 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 20,000 20,000
DT 100,000 100,000

Hell Gluttony

Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Dashes backwards before doing attack
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Sand Spit Lv2 800 400 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 4 12
DT 20 60

Hell Lust

Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Dash Jump Cut: only appears on Very Hard and Dante Must Die difficulties.
  • Lust can cancel a forward dash into Dash Jump Cut at any point.
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Backflip Dash Cut Lv1 800 400 -
Dash Jump Cut Lv1 800 400 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 12 60
DT 60 300


Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • After getting knocked away, the Abyss will always transition into Dash Cut.
  • Can dive underground before jumping in the air and doing Sickle Throw, during which it is invincible.
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 95 95 105 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Vertical Cut Lv1 700 350 -
Horizontal Cut Lv1 900 450
Dash Cut Lv1 600 300 -
Sickle Throw Lv1 800 400 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 12 12
DT 60 60

Hell Vanguard

Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • If attacked 3 times when blocking, it will cancel the block into Vertical Cut. If clashing with the move, it will gain more frame advantage the more you clash until it wins. Second hit will break guard.
  • Hellgate: is either a horizontal or vertical flying attack done in conjunction with a teleport before which it yells. Vanguard will do it 3 times in a row on DMD.
Other Notes
  • Vanguard is the boss of Mission 2.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Vertical Cut Lv1 750 425 -
Double Cut Lv3 500 325 -
Hellgate Lv3 1200 600 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 60 2000
DT 300 10,000


Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 150
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • -
Other Notes
  • Dashes backwards away from player constantly on Very Hard and DMD difficulties.
  • Will only fire at the player if they are shown on screen.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Blue Shot Lv1 300 200 10
Red Shot Lv1 500 300 10
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 12 22
DT 60 110


Health (Exp)
330 (140) 600 (168)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 5 (Stone 100)
  • Ranged: 30
  • Melee: 5 (Stone 100)
  • Ranged: 30
Attack Notes
  • The hitbox on their attack is very long and stretches behind them.
Other Notes
  • Tear makes the Blood-Goyle multiply itself. The clone inherits the original's stats. The move will occur when enough time has passed or the Blood-Goyle is attacked with melee.
  • Guns petrify them, making them stationary and much more vulnerable to melee.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 110 115 100 100 100
100 110 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Ramming Attack (Small) Lv1 1000 500 10
Ramming Attack (Big) Lv1 1500 750 10
Tear Lv1 0 -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT - -


Health (Exp)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 20
Attack Notes
  • The shield does damage on contact
  • Sword will be used when the player is in the air close enough to Dullahan.
Other Notes
  • Dullahan will back away from the player if they get approached, but will come closer if the player moves away.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 95 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Shield Lv1 50 30 10
Sword Lv1 500 250 10
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT - -

Arachne & Queen Arachne

Health (Exp)
1400(420) 2000(560)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 110
  • Ranged: 60 (Knocked down 100)
  • Melee: 110
  • Ranged: 30 (Knocked down 80)
Attack Notes
  • Web Spit can be escaped by mashing or using DT.
  • Only the regular Arachne can spawn Small Spiders upon defeat which try to attach to the player and detonate after some time. Running on them will squash them and DT will prevent them from attaching.
Other Notes
  • Will always do a Leap attack when attacked with melee while it's blocking.
  • Can jump and move on walls and do Web Spit, Rotating Attack and jump off during it.
  • Queen Arachne is only Jump Cancellable upon defeat.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 105 105 100 100
100 100 105 105 100 100
Attack Data (Arachne)
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Sickle Lv1 500 200 10
Rotating Hit Lv2 800 300 30
Leap Headbutt Lv1 300 100 30
Leap Sickle Lv1 500 300 30
Web Spit Lv4 100 50 10
Thread Pull Sickle Lv1 500 200 30
Sickle Lv4 100 50 10
Small Spider Explosion Lv5 100 100 10
Attack Data (Queen Arachne)
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Sickle Lv1 600 200 30
Rotating hit Lv2 1000 300 10
Leap Headbutt Lv1 400 200 30
Leap Sickle Lv1 600 300 30
Web Spit Lv4 100 50 10
Thread Pull Sickle Lv1 800 400 30
Acid Spit Lv4 100 50 10
Stun Values
State Stun Queen Knockaway Queen
Normal 80 160 200 200
DT 400 800 1000 1000

The Fallen

Health (Exp)
1300 (840)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 50
Attack Notes
  • When their melee attacks are parried, they get pushed back slightly.
  • Will only use Uppercut, Stab and Horizontal Swing when wing shield is up.
Other Notes
  • The Fallen will always circle the player clockwise. If the player approaches, they will move away and if the player stays still or moves away the Fallen will approach.
  • Can only be damaged when their wing shield is broken.
  • They will recover their wing shield after a certain time has passed and are invincible during it.
  • They can move out of bounds at will.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 80
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Uppercut Lv1 900 300 10
Stab Lv2 1200 500 10
Horizontal Swing Lv1 500 300 10
Swing Finish Lv1 800 300 10
Slash Across Diagonally Lv1 700 300 10
Punishment Sword Throw Lv3 300 200 10
Punishment Sword Explosion Lv5 1500 1000 10
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 160 40
DT 800 200

Soul Eater

Health (Exp)
200 (140)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Possession damage shown is if the player does not escape it.
  • Possession can be broken out of by mashing buttons or activating DT.
Other Notes
  • They are invincible until the player shows their back to them.
  • They can teleport around the room and will always teleport after an enemy is defeated.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 120
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Possess Lv1 3000 150 10
Possess Miss Lv1 500 250 10
Charge Lv1 500 250 10
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal 20 20
DT 100 100

Damned Pawn

Health (Exp)
700 (112)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Promotion happens when a Pawn reaches the end of the chess board. The Pawn is replaced with either a Knight, a Bishop, a Rook or a Queen. It can only happen in Mission 18.
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 95 95 100 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Slash Lv1 700 350 10
Promotion - 0 - -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT 100 100

Damned Knight

Health (Exp)
1000 (210)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Trample can be done consecutively.
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 95 95 100 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Trample Lv1 1000 500 10
Horn Swing Lv1 700 350 10
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT 100 100

Damned Bishop

Health (Exp)
1000 (168)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Recovery heals surrounding enemies.
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 95 95 100 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Fire Bullet (Root) Lv1 800 400 10
Fire Bullet (Launch) Lv1 800 400 10
Recovery - 0 - -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT - -

Damned Rook

Health (Exp)
1800 (280)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Piece Creation Action creates new pieces (any except the King).
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 95 95 100 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Laser Lv4 1000 500 10
Piece Creation Action - 0 - -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT - -

Damned Queen

Health (Exp)
1800 (2100)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 50
Attack Notes
  • Charge will always trigger when the Queen is attacked.
Other Notes
  • -
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 95 95 100 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Charge Lv5 1500 750 10
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT - -

Damned King

Health (Exp)
2300 (2800)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 20
Attack Notes
  • Castling will happen after being attacked. Switches places with a Rook. Has a cooldown.
Other Notes
  • Defeating the Damned King will destroy all other pieces on the Mission 18 chess board.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 95 95 100 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Energy Blast Lv5 2500 1200 10
Castling - 0 - -
Stun Values
State Stun Knockaway
Normal - -
DT - -

Boss Data


Health (Exp)
6000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 110
  • Ranged: 80
Attack Notes
  • Icicles run linearly on the ground during Trampling.
Other Notes
  • Can be stunned by doing enough hits. Hitting Cerberus' paws will stun it faster than the heads
  • Attacks fasten after Chain Cutter.
  • Doing enough damage to a single head will destroy it. Cerberus will always keep one head.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 120 120 120 80 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Bite Lv1 720 300 10
Neck Rotation Bite Lv1 300 150 0
Trampling (right) Lv1 1200 600 10
Trampling (left) Lv1 1200 600 10
Claw Attack (right) Lv1 600 300 0
Claw Attack (left) Lv1 600 300 0
Ice Fog Lv1 400 200 0
Falling Ice Lv1 240 120 10
Ice Block Lv2 1800 900 0
Rush Lv2 1440 700 0
Icicle Lv1 240 120 0
Headbutt Lv1 600 300 10
Chain Cutter (mode change) Lv3 1560 800 0
Ice Block (after splitting) Lv1 720 400 0
Ice Fog (Lv2 floor hit) Lv3 800 400 0


Health (Exp)
M3/M18: 2800 (7000)
Inside Leviathan: 3000 (700)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: Head 75, Body 20
  • Ranged: Head: 10, Body: 2
  • Inside Leviathan Melee & Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Electric Shock Ball can be deflected back.
Other Notes
  • Will increase movement speed momentarily if hit for enough damage.
  • Will spin around its axis if hit enough times
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
M3/M18 100 80 105 105 120 100
Inside Leviathan 100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Electric Shock Ball Lv2 250 100 10
Vertical Electric Thread Lv2 400 200 10
Horizontal Electric Thread Lv2 400 100 10
Huge Lightning Ball - when falling Lv5 1000 1000 10
Huge Lightning Ball - upon impact Lv5 300 300 10
Ground-running Lightning Lv5 1200 600 10
Discharge From the Body Lv3 200 300 30
Bite (Inside Leviathan) Lv1 1000 - -


Health (Exp)
7000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100 (Drops to 20 when combined)
Attack Notes
  • Crawler stabs the sword in the ground to create a pillar of fire.
  • Dual Sword Tempest (Fire) fires a circular fire around.
  • Returning Sword has the weapon fly back to Agni.
Other Notes
  • Experience points are earned when both are defeated.
  • If Agni is defeated, Rudra will retreat to combine shortly after.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 80 80 120 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Cut Down Lv2 800 400 10
Cut Down with Fire Lv3 1200 600 10
Jet Stream Lv2 800 300 10
Fiery Jet Stream Lv3 1200 500 10
Anti-air Lv2 800 300 10
Spinning Jump Attack Lv2 300 150 30
Spinning Jump Attack (attack on landing) Lv2 600 200 10
Dash Cut Lv2 900 300 10
Crawler Lv3 500 200 10
Dual Sword Tempest (Fire) Lv5 1500 800 10
Returning Sword Lv1 200 100 50


Health (Exp)
7000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100 (Drops to 20 when combined)
Attack Notes
  • Twister stabs the sword in the ground to create a tornado.
  • Dual Sword Tempest (Wind) when firing countless projectiles after a fiery tornado.
  • Returning Sword has the weapon fly back to Rudra.
Other Notes
  • Experience points are earned when both are defeated.
  • If Rudra is defeated, Agni will retreat to combine shortly after.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 80 80 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Cut Up Lv2 800 400 10
Cut Up with Wind Lv3 1200 600 10
Jet Stream Lv2 800 300 10
Windy Jet Stream Lv3 1200 500 10
Anti-air Lv2 800 300 10
Spinning Jump Attack Lv2 300 150 30
Spinning Jump Attack (attack on landing) Lv2 600 200 10
Dash Cut Lv2 900 300 10
Twister Lv3 1500 800 10
Dual Sword Tempest (Wind) Lv5 400 per shot 300 40
Returning Sword Lv1 200 100 50

Heart of Leviathan

Health (Exp)
Heart: 6500 (4900)
Lung (left): 2000 (210)
Lung (right): 1500 (210)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Red Liberation fires a red laser.
  • White Liberation fires white homing projectiles.
Other Notes
  • Only M18 gives experience for defeating each part of the boss.
  • Envies are summoned automatically.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
Heart 100 105 100 100 100 100
Lung (Left) 100 100 100 100 120 100
Lung (Right) 100 100 120 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Red Liberation Lv5 1500 750 10
White Liberation Lv1 800 400 10


Health (Exp)
7000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 75
Attack Notes
  • Shadow blade - Vertical Rotation makes blade-shaped shadows pop out from the ground.
  • Wide Area Lightning sends electricity through the ground (whiffs on stairs).
  • Tracking Lightning drops homing lightning strikes on player.
  • Lightning curtain runs vertically or horizontally
  • Shadow Ball happens at the end of knockdown.
  • Death's Embrace damage: Easy/Normal M9 - Maximum 480. Attack power per attack is 10. Easy/Normal M18, Hard M9 - Maximum 560. Attack power per attack is 12. Hard M18, DMD - Maximum 620. Attack power per attack is 15. You can escape by pressing the lever and buttons repeatedly or by activating Devil Trigger.
Other Notes
  • Her bat shield has to be destroyed before she can take damage excluding Holy Water.
  • She teleports from the stage to the entrance periodically and after stun.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 80 100 100 120 105
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Shadow Blade - Horizontal Rotation Lv1 800 400 10
Shadow Blade - Vertical Rotation Lv1 500 250 10
Bat Skip - single unit Lv1 300 150 10
Bat Skip - colony Lv5 1000 750 10
Wide Area Lightning Lv3 1500 750 10
Tracking Lightning Lv1 1500 750 10
Lightning Curtain Lv1 500 250 10
Shadow Ball Lv5 800 400 10
Death's Embrace Lv5 As described in Attack notes 0 0


Health (Exp)
10000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Body Melee: 67
  • Head Melee: 250
  • Ranged: 54
Attack Notes
  • Weight Dropping Trampling 3 Times Attack will drop a weight on Dante after the third stomp.
  • Volcano generates light from the ground.
  • Weights launched by player treated as close-range attack.
Other Notes
  • Will enter 2nd phase when damaged enough or stunned.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 80
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Trample Attack Lv1 650 250 0
Trample Attack Lv1 650 250 0
Weight Dropping Trampling 3 Times Attack Lv1 650 250 0
1st Turning Punch Attack Lv1 650 250 10
2nd Turning Punch Attack Lv2 900 350 0
Jump Body Hit Lv5 1300 500 10
Dash Body Hit Lv5 1500 400 0
Feather Attack (one per shot) Lv1 360 150 0
Mode Change Light Attack Lv4 1500 500 0
Volcano Lv4 1250 350 0
Falling Weight Lv3 700 350 0
Eye Light Attack Lv2 750 250 0
Weight Launch Attack Lv3 1500 350 0
Combo 1 (scratch) Lv1 750 250 0
Combo 2 (scoop up) Lv1 750 250 0
Combo 3 (bashing) Lv3 1000 400 0
Scratch When Head Hurt Lv1 600 200 0
Weights Launched by Player - 500 150 0


Health (Exp)
9000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Body Melee: 100
  • Carriage Melee: 60
  • Ranged: 35
Attack Notes
  • Time Sphere 1 slows down the player's action for a certain period of time. Time Sphere 2 does the same and places spears around the player.
  • Bomb Arrows fire in volleys except DMD where it's ceaseless.
Other Notes
  • Will Rush into the player in 1st phase and stops in the middle of the bridge after 3 crossings. Pattern repeats until at 80% HP or enough time passes.
  • Will Rush into the player and start circling the arena. Returns to center after 3 laps have passed. Pattern repeats.
  • 2nd phase Knockdown will make Geryon get up and spin the carriage if in the center of the arena. This can be looped on DMD.
  • Can go out-of-bounds momentarily during 2nd phase Rush.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 90 90 110 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Rush Lv3 1500 750 30
Turning Lv5 2000 1000 100
Turning flame Lv4 1000 500 10
Bomb Arrow Lv1 500 250 10
Trampling Flame (spreading type) Lv3 1000 500 10
Trampling Flame (concentrated) Lv4 1500 750 10
Spear Lv1 500 250 10
Time Sphere 1 - 0 0 0
Time Sphere 2 - 0 0 0


Health (Exp)
10000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Zodiac Ombra is a projectile. When hit by a light source it is forced off.
  • Zodiac Bounce damage is when Dante bounces the ball back again.
  • Volcano Ombra is a blast of shadow energy erupts beneath the player's feet.
  • Volcano Ombra (Great) explodes shadow energy around itself - shuts off the blinds
Other Notes
  • Can only be damaged when exposed to light via the opened blinds. When all blinds are opened simultaneously, Doppelganger is stunned.
  • Can taunt the player.
  • Zodiac Ombra projectiles close blinds. The projectile speeds up each bounce.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 120
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Cross Slash (single shot) Lv2 800 500 10
Cross Slash (combo) Lv1 600 300 10
Slash Up (finish) Lv2 400 200 10
Slash Up (combo) Lv2 400 200 10
Rotating Slash Lv2 600 400 10
Turning Kick Lv1 600 300 10
Uppercut Lv3 800 500 10
Stinger Lv2 1000 500 10
Zodiac Ombra Lv1 600 300 10
Zodiac Bounce Lv1 1000 300 10
Volcano Ombra Lv2 900 400 10
Volcano Ombra (Great) Lv5 1200 600 10

Vergil 1

Health (Exp)
8000 (0)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 100
Attack Notes
  • Iai Swordsmanship & Down Slash: Chance time occurs during trade.
  • Upper Slash & Rapid Slash: Trade possible.
  • Air Trick (backwards) Judgment Cut: Chance time occurs.
  • Air Trick (close): Appears behind the player.
  • Air Trick (backwards): If there's no space behind the player, Vergil moves to the center of the room.
  • Rotation Cut: Negates long range attacks. Tendency to teleport to the player if shot at during this.
  • Summoned Swords: Data is per shot. Only used in DMD mode.
Attack Patterns
  • Close range combo 1: Scabbard → Scabbard slash back → Iai swordsmanship
  • Close range combo 2: Scabbard → Scabbard slash back → Upper Slash → Down Slash
  • Mid range combo: Upper Slash → Down Slash
  • Long range: Judgment Cut
Other Notes
  • Can break the pillars in the arena.
  • Can taunt the player.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Scabbard Lv1 200 100 10
Scabbard Slash Back Lv1 300 150 10
Iai Swordsmanship Lv5 700 700 50
Upper Slash Lv5 500 500 50
Down Slash Lv5 800 800 50
Rapid Slash Lv5 1000 500 50
Air Trick (backwards) Judgment Cut Lv5 1000 500 0
Air Trick (close) - - - -
Air Trick (backwards) - - - -
Rotation Cut - - - -
Summoned Swords Lv1 100 50 0

Vergil 2

Health (Exp)
8000 (0)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100 (50 in DT)
  • Ranged: 100 (50 in DT)
Attack Notes
  • Iai Swordsmanship & Down Slash: Chance time occurs during trade.
  • Knuckle Arrow, Body Blow, Upper Slash & Rapid Slash: Trade possible.
  • Whirlwind Kick (2nd tier), Air Trick (backwards) & Judgment Cut: Chance time occurs.
  • Air Trick (close): Appears behind the player.
  • Air Trick (backwards): If there's no space behind the player, Vergil moves to the center of the room.
  • Rotation Cut: Negates long range attacks. Tendency to teleport to the player if shot at during this.
  • Judgment Cut Triple: Data per shot. Chance time.
  • Summoned Swords: Data is per shot. Only used in DMD mode.
Attack Patterns
  • Close range combo 1: Scabbard → Scabbard slash back → Iai swordsmanship
  • Close range combo 2: Scabbard → Scabbard slash back → Upper Slash → Down Slash
  • Close-range combo 3: Knuckle Arrow → Body Blow → Whirlwind Kick (2 hits)
  • Close-range combo 4: Knuckle Arrow → Body Blow → Rising Sun (2 stages) → Starfall
  • Mid range combo - Upper Slash → Down Slash
  • Long range: Air Trick Judgment Cut
  • Long range: Judgment Cut Triple
Other Notes
  • Will activate DT barrier at 75% HP and be invincible during it. On DMD will cast Summoned Swords afterwards. At 29% HP he will move to the center of the arena and leave DT and use Yamato more.
  • Can Air Trick into Starfall with normal or delayed timing.
  • Can taunt the player.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 80
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Knuckle Arrow Lv3 500 250 0
Body Blow Lv3 300 150 0
Whirlwind Kick (1st tier) Lv3 500 500 0
Whirlwind Kick (2nd tier) Lv3 700 700 0
Rising Sun (1st tier) Lv3 700 700 0
Rising Sun (2nd tier) Lv3 400 400 0
Starfall Lv3 900 450 0
Air Trick (Rising Sun → Starfall) Lv3 900 450 0
Scabbard Lv1 200 100 10
Scabbard Slash Back Lv1 300 150 10
Iai Swordsmanship Lv5 700 700 50
Upper Slash Lv5 500 500 50
Down Slash Lv5 800 800 50
Rapid Slash Lv5 1000 500 50
Air Trick (backwards) Judgment Cut Lv5 1000 500 0
Air Trick (close) - - - -
Air Trick (backwards) - - - -
Rotation Cut - - - -
Judgment Cut Triple Lv5 1000 500 0
Summoned Swords Lv1 100 50 0

Vergil 3

Health (Exp)
10000 (0)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100 (50 in DT)
  • Ranged: 100 (50 in DT)
Attack Notes
  • Down Slash, Cross Slash (2nd hit) & Stinger: Chance time occurs during trade.
  • Cross Slash (1st hit), Upper Slash & Rapid Slash: Trade possible.
  • Air Trick (backwards) & Judgment Cut: Chance time occurs.
  • Air Trick (close): Appears behind the player.
  • Air Trick (backwards): If there's no space behind the player, Vergil moves to the center of the room.
  • Rotation Cut: Negates long range attacks. Tendency to teleport to the player if shot at during this.
  • Judgment Cut Triple: Data per shot. Chance time.
  • Ultimate Sword: Repeatedly slashes through space. Chance time occurs.
  • Summoned Swords: Data is per shot. Only used in DMD mode.
Attack Patterns
  • Close range combo 1: Scabbard → Scabbard slash back → Helm Breaker
  • Close range combo 2: Scabbard → Scabbard slash back → Upper Slash → Down Slash → Stinger
  • Mid range combo: Upper Slash → Down Slash
  • Long range: Judgment Cut Triple
  • Long range: Round Trip
  • Long range: Judgment Cut Triple → Stinger
Other Notes
  • Will activate DT barrier at 39% HP and be invincible during it. On DMD will cast Summoned Swords afterwards. Vergil will proceed to spam Helm Breaker progressively faster.
  • Can taunt the player.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Scabbard Lv1 200 100 10
Scabbard Slash Back Lv1 300 150 10
Upper Slash Lv5 500 500 50
Helm Breaker Lv5 700 700 50
Down Slash Lv5 800 800 50
Rapid Slash Lv5 1000 500 50
Air Trick (backwards) Judgment Cut Lv5 1000 500 0
Air Trick (close) - - - -
Air Trick (backwards) - - - -
Rotation Cut - - - -
Judgment Cut Triple Lv5 1000 500 0
Cross Slash (1st hit) Lv5 500 500 50
Cross Slash (2nd hit) Lv5 1000 1000 50
Air Trick → Helm Breaker Lv5 700 700 50
Stinger Lv5 1000 1000 50
Round Trip (per shot) Lv1 120 60 50
Ultimate Sword (per shot) Lv5 1000 500 0
Summoned Swords Lv1 100 50 0


Health (Exp)
4000 (7000)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100
  • Ranged: 20
Attack Notes
  • Handgun, Machine Gun, Blow Away Handgun, Ascending Machine Gun & Bowgun: If you cancel with a bullet or sword, you will get stylish points.
  • Hookshot Grenade: After the Ascending Machine Gun, a grenade is dropped directly below.
  • Missile Launcher: Can be destroyed with bullets or swords, but will cause explosions
  • Grenade Throw: Throws grenades from on top of the bookshelf
  • Hysteric: If you destroy it with a sword or bullets, no explosion will occur.
  • Reload: Reloads handguns and machine guns when they run out of ammo.
Other Notes
  • Will run away and flip around if the player gets too close. Will be immune to melee attacks.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Handgun Lv1 80 per shot 10 10
Machine Gun Lv1 80 per shot 10 10
Blow Away Handgun Lv1 80 per shot 10 10
Ascending Machine Gun Lv1 80 per shot 10 10
Hook Shot Grenade Lv2 1000 50 30
Bowgun Lv2 500 per shot 50 30
Missile Launcher Lv2 1500 200 30
Grenade Throw Lv2 1000 50 30
Hysteric Lv1 500 per shot 25 10
Reload - - - -

Arkham & Arkham's Legions

Health (Exp)
Arkham: 18000 (0)
Arkham's Legions: 110 (0)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100, Legions: 100 (Vergil's is 80)
  • Ranged: 60, Legions: 150 (Vergil's is 80)
Attack Notes
  • Grab attack power per hit: Stamina: 9001 or more: 5, Stamina: 9000 or less, 3001 or more: 10, 3000 or less: 20. The grab varies depending on Arkham's remaining health and the amount of time spent in the grab.
Other Notes
  • Will summon Legions periodically when at around 80% HP. Dives underground until you kill enough of them.
  • Phase 2 forces the player to be unable to use Style. This action is used to call Vergil next to you. He will also copy the player's actions. Pressing Start on P2 controller allows P2 to use Vergil.
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Tentacle Swing (slow) Lv2 800 200 10
Tentacle Swing (fast) Lv2 800 200 10
Swing Arms(slow) Lv2 800 300 10
Swing Arms(fast) Lv2 800 300 10
Rage Lv3 1500 1000 10
Slam Lv2 1200 600 10
Grab - As described in Attack Notes. - -
Magic Bullet Lv1 1000 500 10
Charge (Legions) Lv1 300 100 10


Health (Exp)
M5: 10000 (5000)
M12: 13000 (5000)
M17: 20000 (5000)
Attack Rate
  • Melee: 100/35/Laughing Ball: 6
  • Ranged: 30/80/Laughing Ball: 15
Attack Notes
  • Linear Orb: hit from above Jester.
  • Fullscreen Orb: move randomly around the arena.
  • Rotating Orb: move around Jester with him standing in the middle.
  • Barrier: will block movement around the arena.
  • Red Hand Attack: Must be airborne to dodge.
Other Notes
  • Will summon Laughing Ball in 2nd and 3rd fights when at around 45% HP.
  • 1st fight is mandatory
Elemental Status
DT Thunder Fire Wind Ice Light
100 100 100 100 100 100
Attack Data
Attack Damage DT increase Critical Rate
Linear Orb Lv1 800 - -
Fullscreen Orb Lv1 800 - -
Rotating Orb Lv1 800 - -
Laughing Orb Jump Lv5 1000 - -
Laughing Orb Rush Lv5 1000 - -
Laughing Orb Explosion Lv5 1500 - -
Laughing Orb Bomb Lv5 1200 - -
Barrier - 1000 - -
Red Hand Attack Lv5 650 - -


1) DMC3 Official Guide Book - Detailed Gameplay Guide (2005): Tankobon Hardcover. Chapter 2, Enemy; p. 63 - 114.