DMC Runners live on Twitch: 2

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Rank Criteria

These criteria applies to every difficulty. There are no other stipulation aside from requirements to go over with the time and orbs for each missions. (1)

Time and Orbs Requirements per Mission

Dante's Route

Lucia's Route

Basic Criteria

Similar to DMC1. Clear mission in a short time and optimize usage of your items to not lose certain bonus or a rank.

Clear Time
Target Times Rank
Within requirement S
1s ~ 1m A
+1:01 ~ 3m B
+3:01 ~ 6m C
More than 6m D
Taken Damage Rank
0 S
1 ~ 1000 A
1001 ~ 2000 B
2001 ~ 3000 C
More than 3001 D
Amount of Orbs Rank
More than 100% S
75% ~ 99% A
50% ~ 74% B
20% ~ 49% C
0 ~ 19% D


  • When your combo stops, you get point according to the style meter at the time your combo is ended. Refer to the table table below.
  • Take the average points to decide the final rank.

1) Combo points:
The message on the screen Point
5 (PSA)
PSA: After S rank, for each 5000 style points you get, you get one more point to 6, 7, 8,...etc.
2) Divide for average to get your rank
Average point Rank
3.5 and above S
2.5 to 3.4 A
1.5 to 2.4 B
1.0 to 1.4 C
lower than 1.0 D
Note: Average point is calculated based on "Total points" and "Number of times combos has been interrupted".

ITEM USED Criteria

Regardless of the size you use for Devil Star and Vital star. You will still get the same amount of point.

1) Get points according to item used
Used item Point
Devil Star 1
Vital Star 3
Holy Star 1
Smell of Fear 5
Gold Orb 5
2) Add those points to get your final rank
Total points Rank
0 S
1 - 4 A
5 - 9 B
10 - 14 C
15 or more D

Devil Hunter Rank Criteria

1) For each category, translate your rank letter to point
Rank Point
S 4
A 3
B 2
C 1
D 0
2) Add points to convert into the final rank and orb reward
Total points Rank Orb reward
18 - 20 S 5,000
13 - 17 A 3,000
8 - 12 B 2,000
3 - 7 C 1,000
0 - 2 D 500
Note: If you use a continue you lose 1 rank.


1) DMC2 Official Complete Guide (2003): Tankobon Hardcover. Chapter 2, System; p. 65.