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Before you consider speedrunning, you want to be quite familiar with the game, its mechanics and the mission layouts. It's not recommended to start after only one playthrough which can turn off so many people. Especially when it comes to difference between Vergil and Dante. The biggest biggest misconception for many people is that they play similar for the reasons such as having similar moves like Beo Star Fall or Stinger. While it does eases the learning curve but, the further you progress as you keep playing as Vergil for example, you'll find yourself relying more on his own unique strategies than the ones he “borrowed” from his brother.

The excessive resets can be one big issue for most players Especially for Dante, in which can be difficult to play with time pressure on them after missing RG release or Gigazip. Therefore, do not aim for perfection until you are ready to break the barrier. Make your own back-up strats and get familiar with the Terminologies and safe methods that are used during the runs.

In the following sections, you will find important concepts and information that you may find useful for starting out with DMC3 Speedrunning.


Resources to Speedrun Devil May Cry 3

  • A Keyboard or Controller. Most DMC speedrunners prefer controller, commonly Xbox or PlayStation controllers. In DMC3, Controllers is ideal due to it's accuracy in Stinger-movement while Keyboard is used for Cutscene-movement on 2006 port. At the same time, it is up to the player in the end.
  • With 2006 port, players should install Style Switcher through DMC3 Tools by hies to fix majority of performance, visual and gameplay related problems.
  • Timer / Split Program. The most common used is LiveSplit.
  • For PC runners, autosplitter and LRT is integrated into LiveSplit. This must be enabled.
  • Follow this page on how to set up a layout for your runs.

Choosing a Category & Route

  • You can refer to the main categories here and make your choice.
  • The choice of the character is up to personal preference. There are no right answer for which is better for the beginners. Both characters reaches the same diffculity at certain barrier.
  • Starting with the fastest route is not always good idea, as these routes often require a high execution level and tend to be very punishing. Look around the category pages and pick carefully. However, in the end, it is all about overall improvement, which you can achieve via any route.

Tips & Tricks

  • It's very easy to get distracted with early game perfection. Do not focus on that, espically when it comes Dante's RG releases.
  • Vergil being such a power horse can make the player get carried away easily with small things like DT management and non-stop PS spam that can cost massive time loss. There are some situations where the player must not spam PS and ensure that enemies are killed in group with methods like Yam Rave or DTE.
  • Take advantage of DMC3 Tools and use Arcade Mode and RestartRoom features that StyleSwitcher provides to amplify Your improvement on certain segments.
  • Check the Frequently Asked Questions for general information regarding the speedrun.