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Dante's Devil Arms

This is a list related to the different techniques for each weapon commands to understand Damage, Stylish points and properties: (1)

  • Hits means the range of damage you get if the attack doesn't fully connect.
  • × Per Hits means each time you connect the hit under mentioned move.
  • Launch means the attack follow-up.
  • Crazy refers to Crazy Combo which is a special type of combo in DMC3 that replaces the end of a standard combo, typically with an extendable attack. Each Crazy Combo has different properties which depends on Style meter gauge.
  • Hold refers to Nevan's bat hits.
  • Beo damage varies when it comes to half-chargeing. However, there is inital value for no-charge vs max-charge.



Agni & Rudra



Combo A
  • A quick 3-hit combo.
  • Three Even Cuts.
  • Command: > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 100 150
Second Hit 80 150
Ender 130 200
Combo A
  • A 4-hit combo for crowd control.
  • Second hit goes all around dante.
  • Command: (Pause) > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 100 150
Second Hit 60 + 50 + 80 100 + 100 + 100
Ender 130 200
Helm Breaker
  • A powerful overhead swing from mid-air which returns the player to the ground.
  • Attack power can change according to Dante's height.
  • Command: While in mid-air
Damage Stylish Points
Helm Breaker Hits 60~200 150~250
Helm Breaker Shockwave 70 80
  • A high speed lunge attack towards a targeted enemy, which knocks them back upon connecting.
  • Lv2 gains greater range. Note that there are no invincibility frames in the dash mechanic of Stinger.
  • Dante's primary source of movement.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Stinger 130 200
High Time
  • Swing Rebellion upwards to fling enemies into the air.
  • Hold down the attack button to launch the player into the air.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
High Time 80 200
Million Stab
  • Crazy Rapidly stab enemies in front of the player with blinding speed.
  • Combo is finished by a longer range thrust, which deals greater damage and knocks back stricken enemies.
  • Command: Mash after second hit of Combo B or Stinger.
Damage Stylish Points
Stabs per hit 10 10
Finish Hit 150 300
  • An attack with a slow start that sends a powerful shockwave towards distant enemies.
  • Shockwave travels until it hits a wall.
  • Command: Charge then release.
Damage Stylish Points
Sword Hit 70 100
Shockwave Hit 300 300
Combo A
  • A simple, 5-strike combo.
  • The first 3 strikes can attack enemies around the player, while the last 2 strikes damage enemies in front of the player.
  • Command: > > > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Strike 50 + 50 100 + 100
Second Strike 50 + 60 100 + 100
Third Strike 50 + 60 100 + 100
Fourth Strike 50 + 60 100 + 100
Final Strike 70 + 100 100 + 200
Combo B
  • A complex, 5-strike combo.
  • The latter 3 strikes (the final strike being a Windmill) are directed towards frontal enemies.
  • Command: > (Pause) > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Strike 50 + 50 100 + 100
Second Strike 50 + 60 100 + 100
Third Strike 40 + 70 100 + 100
Windmill 30 × 4 50 × 4
  • Whirl in mid-air slicing any nearby enemies with split-second speed.
  • Hits below Dante.
  • Command: While in mid-air
Damage Stylish Points
Swing 90 200
  • Spin violently in mid-air before landing to deal large impact damage.
  • Performing the Revolver off a ledge prolongs its duration.
  • Can be JC'd
  • Lv2 increases spiral velocity.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Revolver Lv1 40 + (40 × 2) + 120 70 + (70 × 2) + 150
Revolver Lv2 40 + (60 × 3) + 120 70 + (70 × 3) + 150
  • Spin the nunchucks around in a propeller-like motion, striking enemies directly in front of the player.
  • Repeatedly tapping will prolong the attack. Especially if the style meter is high
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Windmill × Per Hits 15 25
  • Crazy Spin your nunchucks around your body, striking all enemies within range of the player 3 times.
  • Knockdown happens more often when style meter increase.
  • Command: Mash at the end of Combo B sequence.
Damage Stylish Points
Satellite 100 × 3 200 × 3
Combo A
  • A basic 5-hit combo.
  • The final 3 strikes are circular swings around the player, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Last hit has knockback.
  • Command: > > > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 60 + 60 100 + 100
Second Hit 80 100
Third Hit 80 100
Fourth Hit 110 150
Ender 90 + 150 150 + 200
Combo B
  • A 3-hit combo. the fastest Agni & Rudra combo to finish fully.
  • This combo deals extra damage against foes directly in front of the player.
  • Second hit has long range.
  • Command: (Pause) > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 60 + 60 100 + 100
Second Hit 80 + 50 100 + 100
Ender 80 + 80 150 + 150
Combo C
  • A devastating combo that slashes enemies in a 180 degree arc in front of the player with blinding fast swings.
  • Final strike is a kick that has extra range compared to Agni & Rudra's default range
  • Command: (Pause) > (Pause) >
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 60 + 60 100 + 100
Second Hit 80 + 50 100 + 100
Multi-Slashes × Per Hits 35 50
Kick 100 250
Aerial Cross
  • Perform a quick cross-slash in mid air.
  • Knockback depends on style meter
  • Command: While in mid-air
Damage Stylish Points
Aerial Cross 200 200
  • Slash through multiple enemies with increased speed.
  • Lv2 is a powered-up version and gives more distance
  • Command: + +
  • To do the Lv2 command hold
Damage Stylish Points
Jet-Stream Lv1 60 × 2 100 × 2
Jet-Stream Lv2 (60 × 2) + (60 × 2) (100 × 2) + (100 × 2)
Jet-Stream Lv3
  • Lv3 Jet-Stream is the maxed-out version, which links several attacks into one ultimate combo that ends in an element-infused cross-slash.
  • Last hit has knockback based on style meter.
  • Command: + + (Hold)
Damage Stylish Points
Jet-Stream Lv3 (60 × 2) + (60 × 2) + 150 (100 × 2) + (100 × 2) + 200
  • Perform an element-infused upward slash against enemies directly in front of the player.
  • Hold the attack button to launch the player alongside the stricken enemy.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Whirlwind (40 × 2) + 80 (50 × 2) + 200
Whirlwind Launch 60 100
Million Slash
  • Crazy Rapidly swing your twin swords around for a multi-hit attack on all enemies within a 180 degree arc in front of the player.
  • Technique ends with an element-infused overhead attack.
  • Style meter increases amount of slashes.
  • Command: Mash during Multi-Slashes sequence of Combo C.
Damage Stylish Points
Slash per hit 10 50
Finish Hit 150 300
Tune up
  • Special stance used to link into certain combo attacks.
  • The striking motion before reaching this stance will strike enemies to the front-right of the player.
  • Command:
Damage Stylish Points
Tune up 80 150
Combo A
  • Send a flurry of bats and powerful lightning towards a targeted enemy.
  • Flurries and lightning clouds hit the target in a staggered pattern, allowing the remaining bats and lightning to protect the player from ranged attacks.
  • Command: while in Tune up. Holding will create more bats.
Damage Stylish Points
Hits per bat 50 40
Initial Hit 100 200
Combo B
  • Attack the enemy using multiple bat strikes.
  • Command: + while in Tune up. Holding will create more bats.
Damage Stylish Points
Hits per bat 50 40
Combo C
  • Attack enemies with successive high-energy lightning blasts.
  • Command: + while in Tune up. Holding will create wider shockwave.
Damage Stylish Points
Hits per bat 200 200
Jam Session
  • Crazy Strum your guitar with blinding speeds, summoning a massive horde of blood-thirsty bats to attack enemies all around the player.
  • Style meter increases range.
  • Command: Mash during Combo B.
Damage Stylish Points
Hits per bolt 12 50
Final Hit 100 350
Air Play
  • Jam on your guitar while in mid-air to summon a swarm of blood-thirsty bats.
  • Command: While in mid-air . Can hold for bats
Damage Stylish Points
Air Play 100 50
Reverb Shock
  • Charge at the enemy and hit them with a powerful electric attack.
  • Lv2 fires an electric attack in conjunction with summoning a horde of bats to damage the enemy.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Reverb Shock 100 200
Bat Rift
  • Swing your guitar in a massive arc pattern, slashing a nearby enemy.
  • Lv2 knocks the enemy into the air, then summons a swarm of blood-thirsty bats, which do additional damage via a homing attack.
  • Command: + + . Hold for bats.
Damage Stylish Points
Bat Rift Lv1 80 + 20 200 + 100
Bat Rift Lv2 Hold 80+(50 × per hit) 200+(40 × per hit)
Air Raid
  • After transforming into Demon form, you can spread out your ultra-powerful demon wings to float in the air for a limited time.
  • Command: + X.
Thunder Bolt
  • Cook the enemy with electrified arrows while floating in the air.
  • Command: While in Air Raid
Damage Stylish Points
Thunder Bolt 60 70
  • Perform a charge spin-attack from the air while in free-floating form.
  • Invincible during animation.
  • Command: While in Air Raid
Damage Stylish Points
Vortex 60 60
Combo A
  • Basic 3-hit combo that ends with an upward kick, which can potentially launch enemies skyward.
  • Any part of this combo can be charged by holding down
  • Command: > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 110~275 150~400
Second Hit 130~325 150~400
Ender 150~375 200~450
Combo B
  • After a two-punch combo, deliver a flurry of kicks then end the combo with a powerful axe kick which knocks enemies down.
  • Any part of this combo can be charged by holding down
  • Command: > (Pause) > >
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 110~275 150~400
Second Hit 130~325 150~400
Kicks (30~75) × 6 (40~90) × 6
Ender 200~500 200~450
Killer Bee
  • A diving kick performed in mid-air that pierces an enemy with supersonic speed.
  • Tracks Enemy
  • Command: While in mid-air
Damage Stylish Points
Killer Bee 200 200
  • Dash toward a target enemy to deliver a straight punch onto said target enemy, knocking them back.
  • Can be charged by holding down
  • Lv2 Travels more distance
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Straight 180~450 200~450
Beast Uppercut
  • Lunge forward and deliver an uppercut to an enemy, potentially launching them into the air.
  • Can be charged by holding down
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Beast Uppercut 120~300 200~450
Rising Dragon
  • After launching a foe with a Beast Uppercut, follow the launched enemy skyward in a spiral to do additional damage.
  • Command: after Beast uppercut.
  • If you max charge Beast Uppercut where Dante's fist shakes then mash to perform Diving Dragon
Damage Stylish Points
Rising Dragon 200 250
Diving Dragon (150~200) + (25~60 × 2~5) + 150 250 + (70 × 2~5) + 120
Hyper Fist
  • Crazy Throw a barrage of blinding fast punches at enemies directly in front of the player.
  • Attack range increases with style.
  • Command: Mash during the kicks sequence of Combo B.
Damage Stylish Points
Fists per Hit 15 30
Finish Hit 200 300
Prop Shredder
  • Spin your sword vertically at high speeds to slice and dice the enemy to bits - the initial attack will fling the enemy upward while the second keeps them airborne.
  • Moves faster with style ranking.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: O, O
Damage Stylish Points
Prop Shredder 20 + (80 × per hit) 70 + (25 × per hit)
Aerial Rave
  • Perform a 4 hit sword strike combo in mid-air, ending in a powerful slash that sends enemies flying.
  • Final hit has a hover effect.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: While in mid-air O > O > O > O
Damage Stylish Points
Regular Raves 60 100
Final Hit 90 200
Sword Pierce
  • Hurls Sword At Enemy, able to perform only kick attacks when sword is not in hand.
  • Replaces basic commands with Thrust Kick and Jump Kick
  • Can call back the sword early by pressing O
  • Available at Lv2 SM.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Initial Hit 100 200
Stab Hits 30 50
Return Hits 30 50
Thrust Kick 100 150
Jump Kick 70 150
Dance Macabre
  • Ultimate Sword combo with various assortments of moves.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • Command: + + O...
Damage Stylish Points
First Sequence 50 100
Second Sequence 25 + 50 + 50 40 + 120 + 120
Stab Hits 10 30
Finisher 100 200
Crazy Dance
  • Crazy Dante plants his swords into the ground and spin around it, kicking everything in its path.
  • Enemy will be forced to stop their action after a few rotations.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • Command: Mash O during stab sequence of Dance Macabre
Damage Stylish Points
Rotation Hits 40 90
Final Hit 150 300
  • Whirls Nunchakus around to hit enemy.
  • Can be done in mid air or on ground.
  • The higher style meter is, the more it hits.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: O
Damage Stylish Points
Flicker × Per Hits 10~200 25
  • Thrusts nunchakus into the ground which will then result in ice pillars sprouting out from the ground in the surrounding vicinity.
  • Can be used as a launcher, float if already midair.
  • Available at Lv2 SM.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Crystal 70 100
Million Carats
  • Crazy Used in conjunction with Crystal as a finisher. Slam your nunchucks into the ground to sprout ice pillars completely around the player.
  • Available at Lv2 SM.
  • Command: Mash O during Crystal
Damage Stylish Points
Million Carats 400 350
Ice Age
  • Creates a large ice mass that totally surrounds Dante, preventing any incoming damage.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • Command: + + O...
Damage Stylish Points
Ice Age × Per Hits 15 50
Crossed Swords
  • Perform an elemental cross-slash.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: O
Damage Stylish Points
Crossed Swords 200 200
Sky Dance
  • 4-hit, mid-air combo. Combo finishes with a roll, dealing damage to enemies in front and behind the player from the moment the roll is initiated to when the player touches the ground.
  • Very long recovery time.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: While in mid-air O, O, O
Damage Stylish Points
First two hits 50 90
Roll Slash 70 90
X Slash 120 200
  • Plunges twin swords into ground to roll out a large carpet of flame.
  • Unlimited Range.
  • Available at Lv2 SM.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Crawler (100 + 60) × 2~3 (150 + 80) × 2~3
  • Combines both swords and spin them above Dante's head thus creating a heat vortex / cyclone which burns everything that goes near it.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Twister 80 90
  • Crazy Used in conjunction with Twister. When twister is performed, Dante will spin the 2 swords combined in mid air in an inverted position, thus creating a super huge cyclone /vortex that burns everything in its vicinity.
  • Mashing instead right after Crazy Trigger does ultimate tempest.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • Mash O during twister
Damage Stylish Points
Tempest 350 350
  • Transform the guitar into a scythe and slash at enemies on the ground.
  • Large Range.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: O
Damage Stylish Points
First Hit 40 100
Second Hit 100 200
Air Slash
  • Normal 2 hit Air slash with the guitar.
  • Higher style meter increases knockback.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: While in mid-air O, O
Damage Stylish Points
Air Slash × Per Hits 150 150
  • Whirl guitar around Dante to hit any enemy in the immediate vicinity.
  • Available at Lv2 SM.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Spinning Hits 15 25
Shockwave 100 200
Crazy Roll
  • Crazy Used in conjunction with Feedback. Generate electricity while rocking forward into unsuspecting enemies.
  • Hits more the higher style meter is.
  • Available at Lv2 SM.
  • Mash O during Feedback
Damage Stylish Points
Hits 30 50
Finish Hit 150 300
  • A huge barrage of bats with blasts of lightning that travels in a long straight line towards its intended target.
  • Stage 3 is charge based on the number of bats.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Hits per bat 50 50
  • Launch a ball of energized light to distant foes in front of the player.
  • Fixed distance, attack moves farther with charge.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: O
Damage Stylish Points
Zodiac 150~375 200~450
The Hammer
  • Focus your might into a double-fisted haymaker to deal damage to mid-air foes in front of Dante.
  • Higher style meter increases knockdown speed.
  • Available at Lv1 SM.
  • Command: While in mid-air O
Damage Stylish Points
The Hammer 270 200
  • Dante will slam his fist into the ground which will then create a small energy field that radiates outwards, hitting all that comes into its path.
  • Requires Testing Possible to increase power with .
  • Available at Lv2 SM.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Volcano 200~500 200~450
Real Impact
  • A highly-focused, one-hit power attack that inflicts incredible damage to whatever enemy it connects with.
  • Dante is fully invincible once the inital hit connects.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stylish Points
Inital Hit 0 100
First Hit 500 400
Second Hit 600 400
  • Crazy After launching an enemy with RI, follow the attack with a flurry of spinning kicks.
  • Number of hits depends on the style meter.
  • Available at Lv3 SM.
  • Mash O after Real Impact
Damage Stylish Points
Inital Hits 100 40
Knockdown Hit 100 300


1) DMC3 Official Guide Book - Detailed Gameplay Guide (2005): Tankobon Hardcover. Chapter 1, System; p. 19 - 43.