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Dante's Fire Arms

This is a list related to the different techniques for each weapon commands to understand Damage, Stylish points and properties: (1)

  • The damage value overall Needs testing especially Shotgun and Kalina Ann.
  • Crazy refers to Crazy Combo which is a special type of combo in DMC3 that replaces the end of a standard combo, typically with an extendable attack. Each Crazy Combo has different properties which depends on Style meter gauge.
  • Shotgun overall damage depends on the amount of Bullets that connects.
  • Guns has only 1 property when it comes to enemy stun and that is knockback.
  • Some stun value has extra number which refers as displacement / knockaway counter (2)

Ebony & Ivory




Kalina Ann

Normal Shot
  • Every 10 shots pushes back enemy or causes them to float.
  • Stun value = 1
Levels Attributes
Lv1 Damage 1.0
Lv2 Damage 1.2
Lv3 Damage 1.5
Twosome Time
  • Fire your guns simultaneously in any chosen direction.
  • One direction is static, second direction controlled by while pressing O
  • Available at Lv1 GS.
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Twosome Time 10 6 40
Rain Storm
  • Number of bullets increased with style meter.
  • Command: Mid air O
  • Available at Lv1 GS.
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Rain Storm 15 6 45
Charge Shot
  • Hold and release
  • Damage gets tripled than current level
  • Each GS level increases the number of bullet fired.
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Charge Shot 30 12 50
Rapid Shot
  • Makes the damage 1.2× times stronger
  • Each GS level lower the number of button presses required to execute the move.
  • Command: Mash
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Rapid Shot 12 2 30
Wild Stomp
  • Crazy Mash on fallen enemy
  • Duration depends on the current style meter
  • Only works when GS is equipped.
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Bullet Shot 16 12 50
Kick 150 12 300
Normal Shot
  • Every 5 shots knocks back.
  • Stun value = 26
Levels Attributes
Lv1 6 bullet spread
Lv2 8 bullet spread
Lv3 10 bullet spread
Charge Shot
  • Hold and release
  • Only 3 shots can be done per charge.
  • Each GS level increases the number of bullet spread Needs testing
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Max Distance 7 × Bullets hits 50 × Bullets hits 8 × Bullets hits
Close Range 130 × Bullets hits 50 × Bullets hits 120 × Bullets hits
Rapid Shot
  • Each bullet receives 1.2× damage
  • Each GS level lower the number of button presses required to execute the move.
  • Command: Mash
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Max Distance 6 × Bullets hits - 7 × Bullets hits
Close Range 80 × Bullets hits 110 × Bullets hits
  • Randomly blasts enemies within 360 range
  • Avaliable at Lv1 GS.
  • Command: O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Fireworks × Bullets hits 16 20 20
Gun Stinger
  • Similar to Reb Stinger Lv2 instead you hit enemies with a concentrated burst of buckshot.
  • Available at Lv3 GS.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Max Distance 50+7 × Bullets hits 12 + 60~12 50+8 × Bullets hits
Close Range 50+130 × Bullets hits 12 + 60~12 50+150 × Bullets hits
Point Blank
  • Crazy Fire off a shotgun round while standing right next to an enemy.
  • With max style meter, Dante can shoot up to 5 times.
  • Available at Lv3 GS.
  • Command: Mash O during Gun Stinger
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Max Distance 7 × Bullets hits - 8 × Bullets hits
Close Range 80 × Bullets hits - 150 × Bullets hits
Normal Shot
  • Single fire is 70 damage. Multiple energy shots is damage 50.
  • Stun value = 12
Levels Attributes
Lv1 Max Lock + 2
Lv2 Max Lock + 3
Lv3 Max Lock + 4
  • Each GS level increases the number of lock-ons focused on a single enemy. Level 3 increases the number of lock-ons further.
  • Command: Hold and release O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Energy shots 50 12 40
  • Fire out charged laser energy in the form of a giant orb.
  • Available at Lv2 GS.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Sphere 40 × 5 12 × 5 50 × 5
Acid Rain
  • Crazy Shoot multiple laser beams into the heavens which come raining down on enemies with increased ferocity.
  • Amount of rain waves depends on the style meter.
  • Available at Lv2 GS.
  • Command: Mash O during Sphere
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Acid Rain 200 12 200
Normal Shot
  • Certain points of shot causes knockdown.
  • Stun value = 20
Levels Attributes
Lv1 Damage 1.0
Lv2 Damage 1.1
Lv3 Damage 1.3
Trick Shot
  • Ricochet bullets off surrounding walls to hit multiple enemies.
  • Each GS level increases the number of times a bullet ricochet.
  • Command: O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Trick Shot 70 2 35
  • Target in on an enemy's weak spot and then fire a high-damage piercing shot at them.
  • Available at Lv3 GS.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Sniper 200 60 300
  • Crazy Intentionally fire a bullet that ricochets off nearby surfaces, picking up speed and then impacting into an enemy doing maximum damage.
  • Bounces off enemy hitbox.
  • Available at Lv3 GS.
  • Command: Mash O during Sniper
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Reflector 120 3 1.6 70
Normal Shot
  • Damage on contact is 150 + Radius 100 smoke effect.
  • Stun value = 0 + 50
Levels Attributes
Lv1 Speed 1.0
Lv2 Speed 1.6
Lv3 Speed 2.4
  • Fire a huge barrage of mini-missiles at the enemy.
  • Each GS level increase the number of missiles fired at the enemy.
  • Can be cancelled at any time.
  • Command: O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Contact Hit 100 12 200
Rocket Hit 30 12 2 45
  • Launches the bayonet blade at the enemy, impaling them..
  • Grounds enemy once connected.
  • Available at Lv2 GS.
  • Command: + + O
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Contact Hit 150 12 200
Reel 130 12 100


1) DMC3 Official Guide Book - Detailed Gameplay Guide (2005): Tankobon Hardcover. Chapter 1, System; p. 44 - 53.

2) Values gathered using DMC3HD Stun Visualize Tool - by flemia