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DMC3 Chapters

Mission Name NG Dante NG Vergil NG+ Dante NG+ Vergil
01 A Crazy Party Tutorial
02 The Blood Link Tutorial
03 The Devil's Tower Tutorial
04 The Uninvited One Tutorial
05 Of Devils and Swords Tutorial
06 Family Ties Tutorial
07 A Chance Meeting Tutorial
08 A Renewed Fear Tutorial
09 Faded Memories Tutorial
10 The Job Tutorial
11 Revenge Tutorial
12 Hunter and Hunted Tutorial
13 Chaos' Warm Welcome Tutorial
14 Drive! Tutorial
16 Win or Lose Tutorial
17 Inner-Demons Tutorial
18 Ivading Hell Tutorial
19 Forces Collide Tutorial
20 Screaming Souls Tutorial

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1) Category Extension - A kind of Leaderboard indicates a secondary leaderboard meant to have categories that do not fit within the main game leaderboard.