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NG+ Trish

Devil May Cry 2 NG+ Trish is a speedrun category in which the player tries to complete the game as fast as possible on a cleared file. The player must start the game with respective disc and reach the final hit against Arius-Argosax or The Despair Embodied as quickly as they can. Using other programs to affect the game or modifying the game with mod is not allowed.

The leaderboards for this category are available here


Route Estimated Time Runner VoD
Dante Disc 40:00 Radge
Lucia Disc 28:00 Radge


(The rules here are specific to this category. Go to this page to find the rules that apply to all Devil May Cry 2 speedruns.)

  • You must play on the disc you are running on.
  • Infinite Devil Trigger cheat is not allowed.
  • Difficulties are variables, not sub-categories, so you are able to have up to three different runs on this board (one each for Normal, Hard, and Dante Must Die).
  • Timer stops on the final hit of Arius-Argosax or The Despair Embodied.


This category is much more of a relaxing run. There is not much of a depth that you need to be worry about aside from how the room spawn and boss fights work.

Follow the route notes and be sure to check boss section strategies as they are extremely simple to perform due to how powerful Round Trip is.