Table of Contents

Rank Criteria

DMC5 Rank is determined on the Total Stylish Points. Rather than having criteria for the overall Evaluation points, It averages your score and scales it based on how many fights you S ranked per mission. So the fewer you do and get S in, the higher the average will be.

This case is extremely similar to the format of DMC2 Stylish Rank rating if the value of this average is not above a certain value at each measurement time, a high rank will not be obtained. At the end of each battle, a point number appears in the upper right corner, which is the average value for the entire mission.

The sum of the remaining two items, bonus red orbs and extra bonuses is the amount of red orbs you can get when clearing the game. Red orbs gained during missions are not included. (1)

  • The highest total stylish points will always be your score when your score when you select a mission.
  • It's possible to check details by pressing the button the screen for results.

Points Required for S rank

The points required for the S rank vary depending on the difficulty level. There is no difference depending on the mission aside from Bonuses. The higher the difficulty, the higher the enemy's durability will increase, and you will be able to earn points by hitting more attacks, so it is not so much that the S-rank is more difficult on higher difficulty.

However, on high difficulties, there is a high possibility that the enemy will have zero health due to the strength of the enemy, and a penalty for using gold orbs will be applied.

Requirements per Difficulty
Mode Points
Human 4000
Devil Hunter 5000
Son of Sparda 5500
Heaven or Hell 1000
Hell and Hell 5500
The duration of the highest rank given in each battle area including non-mandatory ones is overwritten and updated at the end of each battle.
Bonus and Penalty Multipliers
Event Points Multiplier
No Damage x2.0
No Continues x1.2
Gold Orb x0.9
Checkpoint Reset 3 times or more x0.9
Clear using Auto Assist x0.8
Orb resurrection 3 or more times x0.5
Super Character x0.2
These penalty and Bonuses affect your Total Stylish Points.
For example, if you maintain your rank SSS in the first battle area and earn about 6000 points, and then only move up to A in the second area, the information in the second area will be overwritten with the latest version, and the resulting points will be greatly reduced. However, if you can maintain a high rank again for a long time in the subsequent area, you may recover points.

As described above, this evaluation method is like applying the stylish average of DMC2, but in this game, the average information is updated for each battle, so it does not seem to be purely a reuse of 2. In addition, there is a considerable difference in the way points are entered between rank A and S and above, and no matter how hard you try in the A state, you can only earn about 4000. If you get S or higher, you can get at least 5000 points even if you play out of your mind.

Factors that affect total stylish rank and Red Orb earned

The higher your Stylish Points, the more Red Orbs you obtain. In addition to the standard Red Orbs received for mission completion (2) and overall style rank, players can also receive bonus orbs for completing certain tasks. These vary from actions that can be performed at any time.

Stylish Rank Standard
Style Rank Points
E 1000
Red Orb Bonus by Difficulty Clear
Mode Multiplier Bonus
Human x0.6
Devil Hunter x1
Son of Sparda x1.7
MUST DIE x2.25
Heaven or Hell x0.1
Hell and Hell x3
Red Orb Bonus by Final Rank
Rank Multiplier Bonus
S x2
A x1.25
B x1
C x0.88
D x0.75

(3) Certain bonuses increase their reward by 50% in Son of Sparda mode, and then to 100% in Dante Must Die mode. Extra Bonuses are completely absent from Bloody Palace mode. Defeating Prologue and M8 Urizen will reward 15,000

Extra Bonuses - General

Extra Bonuses - Nero

Extra Bonuses - Dante

Extra Bonuses - V

Extra Bonuses - Vergil

Extra Bonuses - Mission Specific

Extr Time Bonus per Mission

Human 03:00 04:30 06:00
Devil Hunter 04:00 06:00 08:00
Son of Sparda 05:00 07:30 10:00
MUST DIE 05:00 07:30 10:00
Heaven or Hell 01:30 02:15 03:00
Hell and Hell 05:00 07:30 10:00
Human 03:00 04:30 06:00
Devil Hunter 03:30 05:15 07:00
Son of Sparda 06:00 09:00 12:00
MUST DIE 08:00 12:00 16:00
Heaven or Hell 01:30 02:15 03:00
Hell and Hell 08:00 12:00 16:00
Human 13:00 19:30 26:00
Devil Hunter 15:30 23:15 31:00
Son of Sparda 18:00 27:00 36:00
MUST DIE 21:00 31:30 42:00
Heaven or Hell 06:30 09:45 13:00
Hell and Hell 21:00 31:30 42:00
Human 12:30 18:45 25:00
Devil Hunter 15:30 23:15 31:00
Son of Sparda 18:30 27:45 37:00
MUST DIE 23:30 35:15 47:00
Heaven or Hell 06:30 09:45 13:00
Hell and Hell 23:00 35:15 47:00
Human 14:00 21:00 28:00
Devil Hunter 16:00 24:00 32:00
Son of Sparda 18:00 27:00 36:00
MUST DIE 20:30 30:45 41:00
Heaven or Hell 09:00 13:30 18:00
Hell and Hell 20:30 30:45 41:00
Human 14:00 21:00 28:00
Devil Hunter 16:30 24:45 33:00
Son of Sparda 19:30 29:15 39:00
MUST DIE 23:30 35:15 47:00
Heaven or Hell 07:30 11:15 15:00
Hell and Hell 23:30 35:15 47:00
Human 04:00 06:00 08:00
Devil Hunter 05:30 08:15 11:00
Son of Sparda 07:30 11:15 15:00
MUST DIE 09:30 14:15 19:00
Heaven or Hell 00:30 00:45 01:00
Hell and Hell 09:30 14:15 19:00
Human 13:00 19:30 26:00
Devil Hunter 14:30 21:45 29:00
Son of Sparda 16:00 24:00 32:00
MUST DIE 25:00 37:30 50:00
Heaven or Hell 06:00 09:00 12:00
Hell and Hell 25:00 37:30 50:00
Human 18:30 27:45 37:00
Devil Hunter 19:30 29:15 39:00
Son of Sparda 21:30 32:15 43:00
MUST DIE 25:30 38:15 51:00
Heaven or Hell 09:00 13:30 18:00
Hell and Hell 25:30 38:15 51:00
Human 17:00 25:30 34:00
Devil Hunter 20:00 30:00 40:00
Son of Sparda 23:00 34:30 46:00
MUST DIE 26:00 39:00 52:00
Heaven or Hell 09:00 13:30 18:00
Hell and Hell 26:00 39:00 52:00
Human 17:30 26:15 35:00
Devil Hunter 20:00 30:00 40:00
Son of Sparda 24:00 36:00 48:00
MUST DIE 25:30 38:15 51:00
Heaven or Hell 07:00 10:30 14:00
Hell and Hell 25:30 38:15 51:00
Human 13:00 19:30 26:00
Devil Hunter 16:30 24:45 33:00
Son of Sparda 18:00 27:00 36:00
MUST DIE 21:00 31:30 42:00
Heaven or Hell 05:00 07:30 10:00
Hell and Hell 21:00 31:30 42:00
Human 17:30 26:15 35:00
Devil Hunter 21:30 32:15 43:00
Son of Sparda 23:30 35:15 47:00
MUST DIE 25:30 38:15 51:00
Heaven or Hell 06:00 09:00 12:00
Hell and Hell 25:30 38:15 51:00
Human 12:30 18:45 25:00
Devil Hunter 14:30 21:45 29:00
Son of Sparda 19:00 28:30 38:00
MUST DIE 25:00 37:30 50:00
Heaven or Hell 06:30 09:45 13:00
Hell and Hell 25:00 37:30 50:00
Human 09:00 13:30 18:00
Devil Hunter 09:30 14:15 19:00
Son of Sparda 10:30 15:45 21:00
MUST DIE 11:00 16:30 22:00
Heaven or Hell 05:00 07:30 10:00
Hell and Hell 11:00 16:30 22:00
Human 18:00 27:00 36:00
Devil Hunter 20:30 30:45 41:00
Son of Sparda 24:00 36:00 48:00
MUST DIE 30:00 45:00 60:00
Heaven or Hell 07:00 10:30 14:00
Hell and Hell 30:00 45:00 60:00
Human 14:00 21:00 28:00
Devil Hunter 15:30 23:15 31:00
Son of Sparda 20:30 30:45 41:00
MUST DIE 22:30 33:45 45:00
Heaven or Hell 05:00 07:30 10:00
Hell and Hell 22:30 33:45 45:00
Human 04:00 06:00 08:00
Devil Hunter 05:00 07:30 10:00
Son of Sparda 06:30 09:45 13:00
MUST DIE 08:30 12:45 17:00
Heaven or Hell 00:05 00:10 00:15
Hell and Hell 08:30 12:45 17:00
Human 13:00 19:30 26:00
Devil Hunter 14:00 21:00 28:00
Son of Sparda 18:00 27:00 36:00
MUST DIE 19:30 29:15 39:00
Heaven or Hell 04:00 06:00 08:00
Hell and Hell 19:30 29:15 39:00
Human 04:00 06:00 08:00
Devil Hunter 05:30 08:15 11:00
Son of Sparda 08:00 12:00 16:00
MUST DIE 13:30 20:15 27:00
Heaven or Hell 00:05 00:10 00:15
Hell and Hell 13:30 20:15 27:00
Human 04:30 06:45 09:00
Devil Hunter 05:30 08:15 11:00
Son of Sparda 13:00 19:30 26:00
MUST DIE 15:30 23:15 31:00
Heaven or Hell 00:05 00:10 00:15
Hell and Hell 15:30 23:15 31:00


1) DMC5 Official Complete Game Guide (2019): Tankobon Hardcover. System Explanation, Missions; p. 22 - 23.
2) Each missions that is marked with shows Clear Bonus Red Orbs

3) Vergil bonuses are gathered through player's testing.