To Do
"Here you can find the current status of the website it will be updated as we complete a page as well as list of things that needs to be done. For support inquiries or any inquiries about DMCSpeedrun Archive, please join our Discord and message in wiki-project channel"
General Content
Most of changes will be either typo, link fix and such.
Additional Information may be added if something is missing.
back burner Fix iPad Divinity Statue Icon menu
back burner Loading bar so, the users know when the page is loaded
Optimizing CSS. Especially with the table display on mobile
DMC Terms incomplete
PTS System board
Optional but figuring out non-subcategory to show in the data without affecting the number of runs and overall category would be nice
Code optimization before automation process for fast fetching
Devil May Cry 1
Rework Route section per categories so it can referenced in the Chapters Page under buy list section.
Complete each segement tutorials under respective categories
Devil May Cry 2
Rework Route section per categories so it can referenced in the Chapters Page under buy list section.
Complete each segement tutorials under respective categories
Devil May Cry 3
Rework Route section per categories so it can referenced in the Chapters Page under buy list section.
Complete each segement tutorials under respective categories
Need revision for stun mechanic by experts including the values for each move.
MUST DIE strategies for each bosses are outdated. They are going to be updated and polished when necessary.
Rank Criteria check for the rest of difficulty.
Check if there is Official Guide Book for Special Edition release specifically.
Devil May Cry 4
Rework Route section per categories so it can referenced in the Chapters Page under buy list section.
Complete each segement tutorials under respective categories
Review it's Speedrun History
Need footage Boss Strategies for Vergil and Lady/Trish
Need damage and style point values for every character's move list
Need more comprehensive resource such as Official Guide Book CAPCOM Game Strategy JAPAN.
DmC: Devil May Cry
Rework Route section per categories so it can referenced in the Chapters Page under buy list section.
Complete each segement tutorials under respective categories
Review it's Speedrun History
Tutorial playlist for Infinite Glides Skips
Devil May Cry 5
Rework Route section per categories so it can referenced in the Chapters Page under buy list section.
Complete each segement tutorials under respective categories
Review it's Speedrun History
Need damage and style point values for vergil's move list