Basic Abilities

This is a list related to the different techniques and Styles used for general Dante commands to understand Damage, Stylish points and properties. (1)



Fire Arms


1) DmC Devil May Cry Official - Complete Game Guide Book (2013): Tankobon Hardcover. Chapter 2, Battle; p. 44 - 60.

  • One of three basic Abilities.
  • Unlocks Enemy step while the Double Jump is available by default.
Double Jump
  • This is an upgrade to the original jump and available from the start of the game.
  • Also known as Air Hike.
Enemy Step
  • This is an upgrade to the original jump and costs an ability point to obtain.
  • This enables JC.
  • One of three basic Abilities.
  • This can be done on the ground or in mid-air.
  • Perfectly-timed evade will add Style Points.
Stylish Points
Perfect Evade 10
Angel Evade
  • This ability is available to purchase during Mission 2.
  • Grants additional evade distance and iFrames.
  • Second Level increases phase distance.
  • Command: Hold Angel Mode + Evade
Demon Evade
  • This ability is available to purchase during Mission 2.
  • Boosts damage output after perfect evade.
  • Second Level further increases damage bonus.
  • Command: Hold Demon Mode + Evade
Ophion Angel Lift
  • This ability will be available during Mission 2.
  • Grapple enemies or objects that lifts towards them.
  • Command: Hold Angel Mode +
Stylish Points
Angel Lift 20
  • Angel Lift can be upgraded to this ability.
  • Launches enemies into the air. Timing is necessary to execute the move.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: Hold Angel Mode + ,
Stylish Points
Lv1 120
Lv2 180
Ophion Demon Pull
  • This ability will be available during Mission 2.
  • Grapple enemies or objects that pulls towards Dante.
  • Command: Hold Demon Mode +
Stylish Points
Demon Pull 20
  • Demon Pull can be upgraded to this ability.
  • Knocks enemies away with a kick. Timing is necessary to execute the move.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: Hold Demon Mode + ,
Stylish Points
Lv1 120
Lv2 180
Angel Boost
  • Obtained during Mission 3.
  • Propels Dante forward while in mid-air similar to Sky star of TS in DMC3.
  • This can be utilized with Angel Evade into Jump which beats Stinger movements.
  • Command: in Mid-Air Hold Angel Mode + X
  • Allows Dante to leap off his Angel Lift or Demon Pull target when he arrives.
  • Press just before impact to perform the leap.
  • Command: Angel Lift or Demon Pull, X
Devil Trigger
  • This Ability becomes available during Mission 9.
  • Sends the world into chaos, throwing surrounding enemies helplessly into the air.
  • Dante's health will regenerate, and his damage and armor will increase. Bonus Style Points will also be awarded for aerial combat.
  • Command: +
  • A quick succession of four slashes.
  • Doesn't knock enemies away.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: , , ,
Stylish Points
Lv1 80 > 120 > 120 > 240
Lv2 120 > 180 > 180 > 360
Death Coil
  • Damages enemies surrounding Dante, and clubs a final target with massive force.
  • Final hit knocks enemies away.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: , , pause, , ,
Stylish Points
Lv1 40 ×3 > 80 ×2 > 440
Lv2 60 ×3 > 120 ×2 > 660
  • A powerful upward strike that launches enemies skyward. Holding the button will allow Dante to follow the enemy into the air.
  • Command: O
Stylish Points
Hightime 120
If held +40
Aerial Rave
  • A multistrike combo that juggles airborne enemies.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: in Mid Air , , ,
Stylish Points
Lv1 80 > 120 > 120 > 240
Lv2 120 > 180 > 180 > 360
  • A deadly spin that lifts Dante, and his target, higher into the air.
  • Level 2 increases height gain.
  • Command: in Mid Air , , pause,
Stylish Points
Roulette 80 + 200
Helm Breaker
  • A devestating overhead strike that slams an enemy into the ground.
  • Command: in Mid Air O
Stylish Points
On Hit 100
On Landing 100
  • Release a powerful shockwave of devil energy toward distant foes.
  • Can do additional charge for more power.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: Hold then release
Stylish Points
Lv1 - Max Charge 300
Lv2 - Max Charge 440
  • Adds 2 additional shockwaves to the Drive attack.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: after Drive.
Stylish Points
Lv1 - Max Charge 280 ×2
Lv2 - Max Charge 420 ×2
  • Cover great distance with a high speed, lunging stab.
  • Can be cancelled into another.
  • Level 2 increases distance travel.
  • Command: , ,
Stylish Points
Stinger 160
Trillion Stabs
  • A blinding flurry of lightning fast stabs. After Stinger only.
  • Level 2 increases stab amount.
  • Command: Mash during Stinger
Stylish Points
Lv1 36 ×4 ∼ 11+80
Lv1 36 ×4 ∼ 21+80
Ebony & Ivory
  • Fire dual wielded pistols with lightning speed, at a single target.
  • Level 2 and 3 increases damage.
Stylish Points
Lv1 8 ×2
Lv2 16 ×2
  • Infuses a bullet with demonic power. Shots bounce back and fourth between targets. Can Charge up to 3 stages which increases the number of potential bounces.
  • Level 2 makes the bullet bounce multiple times on a single target.
  • Command: Hold and release
Stylish Points
Charge 1 36
Charge 2 48
Charge 3 64
  • Dante spirals out of the sky, showering an area beneath him with bullets as he descends.
  • Level 2 increases the fire rate.
  • Command: in Mid-Air X +
Stylish Points
Rainstorm 12 ×∞
Inverse Rainstorm
  • A barrage of bullets spray targets above Dante as he spirals into the air.
  • Level 2 increases the fire rate.
  • Command: X +
Stylish Points
Lv1 48 ×4
Lv2 48 ×5
  • A powerful buckshot with a wide spread. Delivers high damage at close range.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
Stylish Points
Revenant 120
Charge Shot
  • Powers up a shot into a demonic bomb. When released, the bomb sticks to enemies and explodes shortly after.
  • Level 2 grants bigger explosion radius for more enemies.
  • Command: Hold and release
Stylish Points
Charge Lv1 160
Charge Max Lv 440
  • Flip the shotgun around with style and flare, shooting 3 times at enemies surrounding Dante.
  • Can be used in the mid-air.
  • Level 2 increases damage.
  • Command: X +
Stylish Points
Lv1 48 ×3 At close range
Lv2 60 ×3 At close range
  • Fires demonic darts that embed themselves into enemies.
  • The darts have no effect until detonated.
  • Each level increases maximum of darts. Level 2 = 5 and Level 3 = 6
Stylish Points
Kablooey -
  • Detonates all darts currently embedded in enemies.
  • Can remove enemy's enhanced state by exploding 4 or more darts at the same time.
  • Command: X +
Stylish Points
Detonate 160