Table of Contents

Best Segmented Times

In this page, you can find the best IGT times achieved in each of the 20 missions in DMC3 Dante as well as Vergil. This is meant to be a resource for folks who want to improve their times and want to learn the strategies to complete missions quickly. Barring RNG, it also acts as a Proof of Concept of how fast each mission can be pushed down to with the currently known strategies. Some notes:

  • Most lists were compiled through current and past PBs of WR holders of this game.
  • The IGT is displayed at the end of the Mission Screen, and is paused during menus, door transitions, and cutscenes. Essentially meaning that only the frames the character is able to move are counted in the timer.
  • *Final Mission is fuzzy for vergil, since, most runners, in the VODs the video ends before IGT screen appears. Therefore, IGTs were manually timed.
Some rules:
  • Needs to be done during the attempts.
  • Needs to display the end mission screen for the timer as it's the most reliable source for the true frame count.
  • Has to follow the current WR's route, so items like HW's can't be used anywhere the current WR route didn't, and orb crystals must be picked up, etc.


Mission Time Runner VoD
Mission 1 0:41 LonerHero
Mission 2 0:49 jSlash
Mission 3 1:24 esfrenchie09
Mission 4 1:07 Stuby
Mission 5 3:46 Simoteus
Mission 6 0:50 LonerHero
Mission 7 3:30 Simoteus
Mission 8 2:22 Stuby
Mission 9 3:10 Simoteus
Mission 10 1:40 Stuby
Mission 11 2:37 Stuby
Mission 12 2:57 LonerHero
Mission 13 1:33 LonerHero
Mission 14 2:49 Stuby
Mission 15 2:50 Simoteus
Mission 16 2:30 Mochoox
Mission 17 1:57 Stuby
Mission 18 2:00 XirZs
Mission 19 1:38 hies
Mission 20 0:19 hies


Mission Time Runner VoD
Mission 1 0:40 Moeter
Mission 2 0:50 LonerHero
Mission 3 1:34 DizzySplits
Mission 4 2:17 Moeter
Mission 5 3:30 Moeter
Mission 6 0:59 DizzySplits
Mission 7 3:26 Moeter
Mission 8 2:33 Moeter
Mission 9 3:02 Moeter
Mission 10 2:09 Moeter
Mission 11 2:43 DizzySplits
Mission 12 2:56 Moeter
Mission 13 1:42 Moeter
Mission 14 3:10 Moeter
Mission 15 2:59 Waifu
Mission 16 2:58 Moeter
Mission 17 2:06 Moeter
Mission 18 2:09 Moeter
Mission 19 1:24 Moeter
Mission 20* 0:28 Simoteus