Vergil's Devil Arms

This is a list related to the different techniques for each weapon commands to understand Damage, Stylish points and properties. (1)

  • Vergil Sheathing Yam at the end of his combo has same properties as Taunt which allows him to restores 1.5 stocks of DT and increases Stylish point by 500.
  • His key moves such as Starfall Lv2 and Stinger Lv2 are locked behind Lv2 DS. Judgement Cut Lv2 requires Lv3 instead.
  • Most of the moves has properties against enemies behaviour on stuns (2) for example:
    • KB Knock Back
    • KD Knock Down
    • LA Launcher
    • Some stun value has extra number which refers as displacement / knockaway counter.



Force Edge

  • A quick 3-hit combo.
  • Vergil sheaths his sword after the combo is finished, which increases Style Points.
  • Ender hits 180 degrees.
  • Command: > >
Damage Stun Stylish Points
First Hit 50 12 -
Second Hit 60 12 -
Ender 180 16 12 -
Aerial Rave
  • An aerial attack, that can be used continuously in rapid succession.
  • Second Slash hits 180 degrees.
  • Command: While in Mid-air >
Damage Stun Stylish Points
First Hit 140 12 × 2 -
Second Hit 150 12 -
Rapid Slash
  • A high speed thrust attack towards a targeted enemy, which knocks them back upon connecting.
  • Lv2 gains greater range and comes out faster.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Rapid Slash 100 12 -
Upper Slash
  • Unsheathe your sword then quickly slash an enemy then follow up with a downward slice.
  • Second hit knocks down and sheaths the sword, which increases Style Points.
  • Command: + + >
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Upper Slash 70 16 12 -
Downward Slash 110 16 12 -
Judgement Cut
  • Unsheathe your sword with blinding speed to cut through far away enemies.
  • Lv2 repeats it up to three times with the correct timing.
  • Command: (Hold and release) > >
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Judgement Cut 300 60 400
  • Right-left punch combo followed by a whirlwind kick.
  • Last hit has knockback.
  • Command: > >
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Right Punch 100 20 -
Left Punch 200 20 -
Whirlwind kick 150 + 180 20 + 20 Final hit 20 -
  • Diving kick similar to Dante's Killer Bee.
  • Lv2 makes it faster and more powerful.
  • Tracks enemy.
  • Command: While in Mid-air
Damage Stun Stylish Points
StarfallLv1 200 20 0 200
StarfallLv2 250 20 0 -
Lunar Phase
  • A powerful, downward revolving kick.
  • Lv2 hits harder and does more rotations.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Lunar Phase Lv1 290 20 20 Final hit -
StarfallLv2 450 20 20 Final hit -
Rising Sun
  • A multi-hit attack that launches Vergil upward.
  • Command: + + >
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Rising Sun 120 + 120 20 + 20 -
  • A flurry of strikes which links multiple hits from the sword and sheath.
  • Vergil sheaths his sword after the combo is finished, which increases Style Points.
  • First and fourth hit strikes twice.
  • Command: > > >
Damage Stun Stylish Points
First Hit 80 + 60 16 + 16 -
Second Hit 50 12 + 12 -
Third Hit 60 16 -
Ender 150 + 180 16 -
Helm Breaker
  • A powerful swing that comes crashing down on the enemy's head.
  • Lv2 Falls Faster.
  • Attack power depends on height.
  • Made up of two hits. First hit will knock an enemy down on the ground or in the air, second hit will knock an enemy away on the ground only, attack can be jump cancelled to control which if any hits land
  • Command: While in Mid-air
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Helm Breaker Lv1 60 ~ 200 16 16 150 ~ 250
Helm Breaker Lv2 100 ~ 240 16 16 -
Shockwave 70 16 16 80
  • A high speed lunges attack towards a targeted enemy, which knocks them back upon connecting.
  • Lv2 gains greater range and comes out faster.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Stinger 130 16 + 16 0 + 12 200
High Time
  • Swing Rebellion upwards to fling enemies into the air.
  • Hold down the attack button to launch the player into the air.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stun Stylish Points
High Time 80 16 16 200
Round Trip
  • Hurl the Force Edge at a locked on enemy.
  • Vergil is limited to Yamato attacks while Force Edge is out of his hands.
  • The number of hit increases to 11 from S style meter.
  • Speed increases depending on the Style meter.
  • Command: (Hold and release)
Damage Stun Stylish Points
Round Trip Per Hit 35 12 0 -


2) Values gathered using DMC3HD Stun Visualize Tool - by flemia