~~Title: Wall Skip I~~
Wall Skip I
====== Wall Skip I ====== Wall Skip I is the first wall clipping performed in **No Major Glitches**. It allows [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] to skip couple of mandatory fight in Mission 7. This trick execution requires Demon Pull JC loop against Knights. Once this skip is sucessful, there is mini-quick platforming skip where you can go past Barbas's TV to find Angel Marker and perform Angel Pull instead of taking a detour. ===== General Info ===== * Angel Glide once you reach at the darker wall. Make sure to put camera at certain angel so you can see where [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] is. * The mini-platform Skip is self-explanatory. ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/CdcvaeSkp28?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Wall Skip I Demonstration by JJToro]] * [[youtube>embed/klLfWRY19C0?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Mini-Platform Skip (post Wall Skip I) Demonstration by JJToro]]