~~Title: Nephilim statue Jump~~
Nephilim statue Jump
====== Nephilim statue Jump ====== Nephilim statue Jump is a quick platforming skip performed in **No Major Glitches** that [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] to reach the exit quickly after gaining DT ability. ===== General Info ===== * Make note on the visual cue for the Head jump then adjust the camera before proceeding for the second jump. * Hold the Jump button along with the Air Hike to ensure [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante's]] maximum height before Angel Glide to grab and stand on the wings ledge. ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/Vt2j-ZbpCak?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Nephilim statue Jump Demonstration by JJToro]]