~~Title: Mission 4~~
Mission 4 Skips
===== General Info ===== * Mission 4 skips consist of 3 parts. * This is the first time where [[dmcdmc:vergil|vergil]] is going to utilize Jump —> Dash —> Trick up —> Killer bee. * **First part** focuses on reaching Angel Lift marker from the Health Cross Platform. * **Second part** skips the fight for quick portal exit where [[dmcdmc:vergil|vergil]] moves to the edge of the arena to fly around. * **Last part** is simply getting on top of the tree with Rising Star —> Trick up —> Angel Glide. ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/egpZoARJm_Q?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Part I - Health Cross Platform by Bulkich]] * [[youtube>embed/fDmk35kr2BM?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Part II - Quick Exit by Bulkich]] * [[youtube>embed/gVsDMbICJR4?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Part III - Tree Skip by Bulkich]]