~~Title: Infinite Glide~~
Infinite Glide
====== Infinite Glide ====== Infinite Glide is an iconic DmC glitch where [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] is able to do an Angel Glide as long as the player desires. It's a tremendously useful and fast moving style, and it also allows player to reach many places in the game that developers never intended them to reach. If [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] continues Gliding for long enough and hits the level boundary that kills him, he may have a chance to escape this softlock after all. Players can continue or quit from the Game Over-screen and don’t have to reset the entire system to proceed.\\ DT makes all [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante's]] actions a little faster, and this includes Infinite Gliding. ===== Requirements ===== * This glitch is patched at the moment and only works in fresh install from the PC retail disc. Players must [[dmcdmc:downpatch|downpatch]] to access this glitch. * **New Game+** can access this right off the bat. **New Game** will have to wait until Mission 3. ===== How to perform ===== > There are many methods to perform this glitch. * [[youtube>embed/Vn7sgXb2UDI?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Angel Lift + Airborne enemy]] * [[youtube>embed/JshBoalPNJE?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=217|JC + Wall]] * [[youtube>embed/fm9UU63F9wQ?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Buffering Glide against a wall + Jump]] * [[youtube>embed/Ip_3bqY81YI?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Charge shot release at a wrong time]] * [[youtube>embed/vRXVddRfcEM?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Angel whip break-out at ground level]] ++++ Explanation for each methods | **Angel Lift + Airborne enemy** - Launch the enemy into air, then Angel Lift to it. During Angel Lift, immediately input an Angel Glide, but right as [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] is about to do Glide, do Angel Lift again. The time window for the trick is relatively small and takes practice to get right.\\ \\ **JC + Wall** - This is the least used method Infinite Gliding, since it doesn't replace other methods. This is done by luring an enemy to a wall, then doing a JC followed by gliding into a wall. The glide then glitches up and becomes infinite.\\ \\ **Buffering Glide against a wall + Jump** - Jump next to a flat wall without moving [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] to any direction. Do an air melee attack - for example normal Reb air swing. Buffer a glide to occur after the Reb swing, but do a jump right as the swing ends. This causes the glide that would otherwise start normally to glitch up and turn infinite. The timing is strict with this method. Wall is required because Angel Glide has different properties done next to a wall. This method doesn't cause any results if you are not in front of a wall when doing it. You will also get nothing if you move [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] to a direction while doing it, so don't..\\ \\ **Charge shot release at a wrong time** - This is speedrunners main method where you have to charge a charge shot for a very a short time. Charging for less than a second and then letting go, [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] won't make a shot but instead "reacts" to the charge shot attempt by holstering his guns again. This animation can cause break outs and interrupts certain moves. Attempting to glide as this animation starts, the glide glitches up and becomes infinite.\\ \\ **Angel whip break-out at ground level** - If you preform Angel Lift and Glide in a quick succession right before [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] lands, the Glide may glitch up and turn infinite. While this method of Infinite Glide doesn't have any prequisites, and you get to start the Glide abnormally low as a bonus, the trick's timing seems to be especially difficult. ++++\\ ===== Applications ===== > This glitch has one main side effects which can be applied almost the entire run of **Any%**. There are about 10 Missions in **New Game** as it can be checked in [[dmcdmc:sob|the current best segmented times]]. **New Game+** has 4 more extras in the early missions. You can pass through a set of walls by just Gliding towards them. Once [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante's]] momentum occurs, his movements become more drastic and big, and if there happens to be even a tiny structural weakness in the wall, the game's pathfinding mathematics may insert [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] through it. Although, the players will have to check at what height they can start the Glide. If player start a Glide from the top of the room, the game will attempt to keep [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] at that height, changing his patterns accordingly as he zips around. So try out different heights when trying to pass through a wall. ===== Other Notes ===== There is a glitch related to this that is called [[youtube>embed/56XZ1m5_Rmg?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=119|Infinite Slide]]. This glitch works on patched game including Definitve Edition. To perform: Charge a shot and boost into a wall at an angle. Once you see the slide happen, release charge shot before it reaches a full charge. The Condition is that the wall must be flat but, there are flat walls where you're not allowed to slide.\\ \\ Although, there are no good application for this glitch in a run yet.