~~Title: Elevator Skip~~
Elevator Skip
====== Elevator Skip ====== Elevator Skip is a quick platforming sequence performed in **No Major Glitches**. It allows [[dmcdmc:dante|Dante]] to reach the elevator immediately while ignoring couple of enemies at the same time in Mission 7. ===== General Info ===== * There are two ways of performing this. One is to be within Angel marks range to use the hook. Other is doing Demon Pull JC loop against Bathos. * The one with Angel mark is faster but the one with JC loop is easier. ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/-cBXiyWDwxE?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Elevator Skip - JC Method Demonstration by JJToro]] * [[youtube>embed/hJpCdeCIGew?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Elevator Skip - Angel Hook Method Demonstration by JJToro]]