~~Title: Dante (DmC) Info~~
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====== Dante (DmC) ======
**Dante** runs are longer and more complex, including numerous tricks and glitches. There wasn't too much change with him in Definitive Edition - just a few balances based on developers seeing players play. There are some bugs they intentionally left like double charge shot because they found it interesting. Therefore, there's merit in embracing these kind of 'tricks' players find to get cool techs out.\\
This page includes information on the character.
===== Information =====
* His runs varies between Original and Definitive Edition. This due to [[youtube>embed/RfEBAVnC3VA?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Samurai DLC]] and tricks that are being used in Any% such as Infinite climb exploits.
* Every DevilArms are used. FireArms are not.
* Demon Evade is heavily exploited.
* All of his **No Major Glitches** skip works for both releases of the game. His **Any%** skips however varies for each mission.
* A lot of his movement trick depends on how well you can grab [[youtube>embed/xX67THclwTw?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Angel or Demon Markers to skip certain platforms and such]]
==== Changes to the original game ====
* Dante's Angel Evade can now be upgraded to a triple 'TS' evade, with the final dash having a longer vulnerable pause at the end.
* Demon Evade gives less style and damage boost (1/2 what it used to be). Additionally, it grants speed boost now and has the perfect window frame reduced slightly. However, the buffs are cancelled if the player got hit.
* Parry Windows are slightly shorter.
* Osiris Feed is activated faster, and remains active a bit longer when not used; but its damage buff is slightly reduced.
* Aquila Round Trip stun times reduced.
* E&I can fire more shorts before you suffer repetition in the Style Rank System (300% more shots).
* Firing rate of Rainstorm/Inverse Rainstorm has increased (however, DPS remains the same - this change is cosmetic due to the [[youtube>embed/Bdxdo3KlAro?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|community mod they liked]]).
* Increased fire rate of Kablooey.
* Fixed [[dmcdmc:skips:infinite_climb|infinite climb]] exploits (Angel Lift + Stomp, and Angel Lift + Jump)
* Big Slick jump breakout glitch fixed
* Fixed glitch where Inverse Rainstorm would auto cancel if performed after an evade
++++ Developers Comment |
**Angel Evade** - We had seen the [[youtube>embed/MbLx_ej_6DM?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|'trickster angel dash' community mod]], and it looked really fun and cool; but obviously you can break the game (loading times, streaming, etc) by moving through the level that fast, and you were also infinitely invulnerable. It was a fun mechanic, but massively overpowered. So we thought about how we could include it, and came up with the triple dash.\\
**Demon Evade** - Demon Evade was heavily exploited in the original game, so we needed to address that...but since we'd added the triple angel evade, we didn't want demon evade to feel useless. We brought the damage of the Demon Evade down, but gave it a little speed boost. This can be stacked with Turbo Mode, Devil Trigger speed boost, and the speed boost you get at S rank and above.\\
**Parry** - At 30fps, the window we had was a bit too generous, but 1 frame less made it unachievable for a lot of players. With 60fps we found the sweet spot.\\
**Osiris Feed** - Feed is a really cool ability that didn't get utilised enough - this is mostly due to it expiring when you switch to other weapons to keep your style up. These changes allow the player to drop in and out of Osiris in combos, while keeping Feed active, with good timing.\\
**Kablooey** - Players using cancelling to fire faster shots with Kablooey tend to use the weapon quite regularly, where other players tend to avoid it, bringing me to the conclusion that the base fire rate is too slow for it to feel useful to most players. We increased the base firing rate... however, you still get the fastest shots using cancelling, as before.
===== Move List =====
* [[dmcdmc:chapters:dante_info:basic_abilities|Basic Abilities]]
* [[dmcdmc:chapters:dante_info:angel_mode|Angel Mode]]
* [[dmcdmc:chapters:dante_info:demon_mode|Demon Mode]]
===== Categories =====
* [[dmcdmc:chapters:dante_info:ng_nmg|NG NMG]]
* [[dmcdmc:chapters:dante_info:ng_any|NG Any%]]
* [[dmcdmc:chapters:dante_info:ngplus_nmg|NG+ NMG]]
* [[dmcdmc:chapters:dante_info:ngplus_any|NG+ Any%]]
===== Video Tutorials =====
* N/A