~~Title: University Skip~~
University Skip
====== University Skip ====== University Skip is OoB glitch [(:uniskiporigin)] made by Evgeniy Sergeevich to quickly reach [[dmc5:enemy#deathscissors|Death Scissors]] room. Later on the skip got optimized by the community to reach [[dmc5:enemy#artemis|Artemis]] instead. This skip avoids a bunch of fight sequence that saves around 2 minutes. ===== Origin ===== * [(:uniskiporigin)] Evgeniy Sergeevich shared the skip at YouTube with his PS4 recording method. * Community tinkered the Skip and made the extended version for it. * The original [[dmc5:nero_dante_v:ng|NG version]] for going straight to [[dmc5:enemy#artemis|Artemis]] was done by Ceciliya. However, it requires one Punch Line loss. * Yamanaru further optimized the extended version using Air Hike → Air Taunt loop. * DMC5 Developers Reacted to this skip [(:dmc5devsreact)] and patched it in process with the new update and Special Edition release. At the same time, Scirvir found a version where it's possible to clip through with different ledge. [(:seuniskip)] ===== Trick Requirements ===== To perform this trick correctly, you need the following: * Split * Air Hike * Punch Line ===== Trick Mechanics ===== University Skip exploits Split to reach OoB water by clipping through the ledge. Once [[dmc5:nero_dante_v:|Nero]] is stands on the Water: * **Step 1**: Walk over the edge of the wall then clip through by forward right jump Air Taunt into Air Hike → Air Taunt left. * **Step 2**: Re-adjust the camera before entering the sewers. * **Step 3**: Jump over the pipe with Air Hike then use Air Taunt to make sure that Nero lands on the platform instead of getting stuck. * **Step 4**: Reach the dead-end on the left side (The oppsite side of the Red Orb cache) by landing on the Qliphoth platform center-right first. * **Step 5**: Use Punch Line to clip through the wall on [[dmc5:nero_dante_v:|Nero's]] right then Launch → Air Hike → Air Taunt → Jet Gadget * **Step 6**: Hold straight until Punch Line flashes twice. Once that happens Launch → Air Hike → Air Taunt → Jet Gadget then immediately loop Air Hike → Air Taunt untill the cutscene triggers. ===== Other Notes ===== * If you fail to reach **Step 5** after **Step 4** by either clipping to the wrong side or lack of height. You lose a Punch Line. * A good visual cue indication of making successful **Step 5** is seeing Gerbera and the Orb caches. If you are high enough, you will load [[dmc5:enemy#artemis|Artemis]] and could run around the room to trigger the cutscene. * [[dmc5:vergil|Vergil]] doesn't necessarily have to use this skip since he can go through the levels abnormally fast due to his Trick Down movement. ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/w_apxhIU5yg?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Original M3 - University Skip Demonstration by DECosmic]] * [[youtube>embed/BfTnINnudnY?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Vergil M3 - University Skip by Antonio Redgrave]]

Nero: Step 1 Demo

Nero: Step 3 - 6 Demo

===== References ===== ~~REFNOTES~~