~~Title: Subway Skip~~
Subway Skip
====== Subway Skip ====== Subway Skip is OoB glitch made by remote [(:subwayskiporigin)] to reach end of Mission 7 sequence directly using [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V's]] Skewer wall breach tactic. This skip got faster version later on with more reliable wall breach. ===== Origin ===== * remote shared the original skip in 2020. This method needed 2 different Skewer breach. * Tektheist optimized it further by finding different path to breach through the level. ===== Trick Requirements ===== To perform this trick correctly, you need the following: * PC runners should run the game at 120 FPS to make wall breaching more reliable. * Skewer ===== Skewer Setup ===== * Break Red Orb cahce before getting [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] to line up. * Adjust shadow's position with Side Roll (Forced Move) to the left then use first two hits of Combo A preferably back claw into right claw. * Jump towards Shadow so it can be right behind [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] before attempting to Skewer * All you need to worry about is the direction of the spike being straight line. With careful use of lock-on, you can keep adjusting the direction if shadow is aiming at the wrong direction. Check this before attempting to breach through the wall. * [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] must stand be standing at the spike post wall breach. This depends entirely on the Air Taunt timing. * Each players adapted to their own method. It's advised to try DECosmic's approach which is Long Jump → Air Taunt after hearing first set of Skewer sound effect. ===== Out of Bound ===== * There 3 important jump sequence here while going through OoB * First is the center hall platform into the wall pillar after running through the qliphoth root tunnel. * Then align on the center rubble into specifc platform to the right. You do this by doing long jump downward right with 2 mid-air Checkmate then reposition with Griffon's Hang to upward right. * Finally the Ladder Hoist, [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] has to be in specific spot and height to land on that platform therefore, visual cue required on when to breach through the tunnel. Before [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] reachs at the last Ladder steps, Long Jump to the right into forward Griffon Hanging ===== Other Notes ===== * For console runners, they have to find a setup where Shadow have to aim and prepare's [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] to go sideways instead of forward. * The first jump after Skewer has soft-lock threat. [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] must avoid touching qliphoth otherwise player will be stuck in infinite loading loop. * While jumping is usually faster for [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] to move around, walking is a good back-up. Because, the game will save [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V's]] state on the OoB if he the player fails the first jump sequence. * Ladder Hoist sequence must be a non-stop jumping because walking will make [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] fall instead. * Restart Checkpoint is required at the end to get [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] back in-bound. ===== Video Demonstration =====

Skewer Setup

Second part of the Skip till end

===== References ===== ~~REFNOTES~~