~~Title: M13 Final Fight Skip~~
M13 Final Fight Skip
====== M13 Final Fight Skip ====== Mission 13 final fight has an OoB area glitch found by AKheon [(:dmc5m13finalgroundtrick)] for the level finale trigger. This skip is exclusive to the unpatched vanilla console release. ===== Origin ===== * Similar case to [[dmc5:skips:cavaliere-warp|Cavaliere Warp]] * TheScruffington & puripuri_obasan found a [[dmc5:skips:full-m13-skip|version]] with [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] that skips the Mission from start to finish which invalidates this approach unless the players are not willing to risk it. ===== General Info ===== * Ground Trick at specific elevation to breach ceiling. You can breach the ceiling here from any direction, as long as you have the correct elevation. * The entire ceiling is slippery collision which will trap [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|Dante]], so quickly jump and start doing a long jump with Rainstorm Continue until you've gotten off the roof area, at least. * Once underneath the level, move a little towards the foreground and underneath the level. This should be enough to hit the level finale trigger. If not, [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|Dante]] will respawn on the slippery collision and is probably going to get stuck there. Fortunately last checkpoint is not far away at all. ===== References ===== ~~REFNOTES~~