~~Title: Skewer Breach~~
Skewer Breach
====== Skewer Breach ====== This trick is one of the core aspect for [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V's section]] it enables him to jump straight to the end level most of the time in order to eliminate RNG factors in the run. ===== General Notes ===== * To perform, time the jump and Air Taunt so the spear punshes [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|V]] forward before landing on it. The key of it's consistency depends on the sound cue. * When it comes to standing on Shadow's spear 120 FPS gives the best result of clipping OoB where 60 FPS require runners to clip to the left or right. * This means **PS4/Xbox One** runners will have to find specific setup for each missions excluding [[dmc5:skips:tunnel_skip|Tunnel Skip]] ===== Applications ===== * [[dmc5:skips:road-to-nidhogg|M4 - Road to Nidhogg]] * [[dmc5:skips:tunnel_skip|M5 - Tunnel Skip]] * [[dmc5:skips:subway_skip|M7 - Subway Skip]] * [[dmc5:skips:nobody_warp|M9 - Nobody Warp]] * [[dmc5:skips:full-m13-skip|Full Mission 13 Skip]] * Mission 14 - bypassing the Qliphoth roots block.