~~Title: Dante (Fire Arms & SDT)~~
====== Dante's Fire Arms & SDT ====== This is a list related to the different techniques used for [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|Dante's]] weapon commands to understand Damage, Stylish points and properties. [(DMC5 Official Complete Game Guide (2019): Tankobon Hardcover. Skill Explanation, Dante Skills; p. 58 - 90.)] * The damage values on Rainstorm Twosome Time and Honeycomb Fire are seperated between Ebony with 1 shot per value and Ivory 3 shot per number. * SDT is [[dmc5:nero_dante_v|Dante's]] ultimate form as it offers dramatic stats increase. Other than attack power and defense. The damage will be reduced by 70%. Although, it does not recover his health compared to regular DT transformation. * Quadruple S can make his SDT gauge last permanently.
List of difficulty and Demolition attack power against bosses
Mode Attack power
Human 3000
Devil Hunter 1500
Son of SParda 1125
Heaven or Hell 1500
Hell and Hell 1125
++++ Dr Faust special bonus and red orb fluctuations | When Red Shot or Magic Hat's attack uses Red Orbs to have a value of triple or double consecutive digits the consumption will be reversed. Red orbs obtained are fluctuated is 3 times the amount consumed. [(DMC5 Official Complete Game Guide (2019): Tankobon Hardcover. Skill Explanation, Dante Skills; p. 55.)]\\ \\ The consecutive numbers are the amount of red orbs consumed. When the consumption amount is 666 and 777, the amount gained will be 6666 and 7777 respectively. At 666, bonus effects like the DT gauge will be fully recovered, and at 777, the stamina gauge will be fully recovered. The red orbs you lose when attacked by an enemy with a set hat and the red orbs you gain (standard value) when attacked are calculated using the following formula.\\ > Orbs are lost upon taking damage and can be gained with enemies with hats set. Hat level 1 is the damage value x0.5, 2 is the damage value x0.75, 3 is the damage value x 1.0, and 4 is the damage value x10 **Orbs gained while attacking** The standard value of damage is determined by damage dealt x difficulty x hat level correction Difficulties are: SoS: 1.3x DMD: 2x Others: 1x **Hat correction value/level** Think of it as level bonus of weapon Level 1: 1 Level 1: 1.2 Level 1: 1.5 Level 1: 4 **Red Orb consumption and attack power** (Dr. Faust's level consumption / attack power). Level 1: 1x Level 2: 1.5x Level 3: 2x/1.25x Level 4: 10x/2.5x [1] 1x/1x, [2] 1.5x/1.1x, [3] 2x/1.25x, [4] 10x/2.5x Initial state is 1 After learning Dr. Faust 2 2 After learning Dr. Faust 3: 3 After learning Dr. Faust 4 HELL AND HELL also increases by 1.3 times ++++

Ebony & Ivory


Kalina Ann

Double Kalina Ann

Dr. Faust

Sin Devil Trigger

===== References ===== ~~REFNOTES /2 ~~ ~~REFNOTES~~
Normal Shot
  • Fire standard shots that do little damage but can be rapid-fired.
  • Command:
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Normal Shot 10 30 8
Charge Shot
  • Infuse a shot with demonic power to deal greater damage.
  • GS Charges them automatically.
  • Press repeatedly while both arms glow brighter for multiple Charge Shots.
  • Each level upgrades prolong duration.
  • Command: Hold until the glow coming from your arms grows stronger.
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Charge Shot 15 30 12
Ebony Shot
  • Fire a high-powered shot that's likely to stagger enemies.
  • Damage varies per distance.
  • Command: GS - O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Medium Range 30 150 24
Close Range 25 150 24
Long Range 2 150 24
Auto Charge (E)

  • Auto-charges your demonic power, adding explosive power to your bullets.
  • Each level takes less time to charge.
  • Command: GS - once Dante's left arm glows brighter O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Auto Charge (E) 60 300 48
Ivory Shot
  • Fires a three-round burst of low-damage shots that place firing speed above stopping power.
  • Damage varies per distance.
  • Command: GS -
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Medium Range 30 90 24
Close Range 24 90 24
Long Range 6 90 24
Auto Charge (I)

  • Auto-charges your demonic power, adding explosive power to your bullets.
  • Each level takes less time to charge.
  • Command: GS - once Dante's right arm glows brighter
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Auto Charge (I) 30 90 24
  • Revolve in mid-air and shower the ground below in a storm of bullets.
  • Hold O to shoot straight down.
  • When Charged Ivory gets penetration ability and Ebony's overall gain is increased by x2
  • Command: GS - in mid-air O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Ebony Shots 13 75 10
Ivory Shots 4 50 3
Twosome Time
  • Shoot two enemies at once in different directions.
  • When Charged Ivory gets penetration ability and Ebony's performance is increased by x2
  • Command: GS - Shoot with and quickly press O or shoot with O and quickly press
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Ebony Shots 15 35 12
Ivory Shots 24 60 19.5
Honeycomb Fire
  • Shoot two enemies at once in different directions.
  • When Charged Ivory gets penetration ability and Ebony's performance is increased by x2
  • Command: GS - + + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Ebony Shots 15 35 12
Ivory Shots 24 60 19.5
Shot Shell
  • Fire a shotgun blast that peppers enemies in a wide area, or can devastate a single enemy at close range.
  • Extremely effective when combined with Enemy Step
  • Command:
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Shot Shell 150 250 120
Charge Shell
  • Channel your demonic power into a solid slug shot. Limited to 2 or 3 shots.
  • Each level upgrades speed up the infusion of power into the shot.
  • Command: Hold then release when your right arm glows brighter.
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Charge Shell 200 250 160
  • Spin your shotgun around your body like a set of nunchucks, rapidly blasting nearby foes.
  • Usually fires 15 rounds. If it's chargning only first 20 rounds will be fired.
  • Can also use mid-air.
  • Command: GS - O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Fireworks 120 200 98
  • While Lock-On is engaged, quickly fire behind you to catch enemies off guard.
  • When chargning it will fire 20 rounds instead of 15.
  • Command: GS - + + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Backslide 225 500 180
Gun Stinger
  • Ram your shotgun into an enemy and pull the trigger to hit them a blast of pure, concentrated buckshot.
  • When chargning it will fire 20 rounds instead of 15.
  • Command: GS - + + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Gun Stinger 200 350 160

  • An offshoot of the Gun Stinger attack. Combos seamlessly with other Cut-in moves.
  • Can dash 4 different direction while unloading your weapon.
  • Press X while sliding for a jumping dodge attack.
  • When chargning it will fire 20 rounds instead of 15.
  • Command: GS - While on the ground with Gun Stinger active, press + Any Direction + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Cut-ins 150 300 120
Howitzer Shot
  • Launch a missile with an explosive payload.
  • Command:
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Howitzer Shot 150 200 120
High Explosive
  • Launch a powered-up missile packed with high explosive.
  • Command: While on the ground, hold then release when sparks fly from Kalina Ann.
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
High Explosive 350 500 280
  • Fire a huge barrage of mini-missiles at the enemy.
  • Automatically lock multiple enemies.
  • Command: GS - O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Multiple 360 360 288
  • Fire a cannon blast straight downward.
  • Can be used to gain extra height.
  • Command: GS - in mid-air O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Blaster 100 300 80
  • Launch a barrage of micro missiles in a wide arc in front of you.
  • Tap O repeatedly to increase the number of missiles launched.
  • Random explosion occurs between small, medium and large.
  • Command: GS - + + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Hysteric 40 50 32
Small Explosion 25 50 20
Medium Explosion 30 50 24
Large Explosion 40 50 32
  • Lock on to a single enemy and launch a barrage of homing missiles.
  • Command: GS - + + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Paranoia 360 360 288
Twin Howitzer
  • Launch a twin missile with an explosive payload.
  • Command:
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Twin Howitzer 150 200 120
  • Connect the twin Kalina Anns to fire a supercharged energy beam that pierces through enemies.
  • Command: While on the ground, hold then release when the two Kalina Anns couple together.
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Cascade 600 700 480
Multiple Twins
  • Launch a bigger barrage of homing missiles from your twin Kalina Ann.
  • Automatically lock multiple enemies.
  • Command: GS - O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Multiple Twins 540 540 432
Blaster Twins
  • Fire the twin Kalina Anns straight up and down to attack enemies above and below at once.
  • Can be used to gain extra height.
  • Command: GS - in mid-air O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Blaster Twins 100 300 80
Hysteric Twins
  • Launch a barrage of micro missiles in a wide arc in front of you.
  • Tap O repeatedly to increase the number of missiles launched.
  • Random explosion occurs between small, medium and large.
  • Command: GS - + + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Hysteric Twins 25+ 50 20+
Small Explosion 25 50 20
Medium Explosion 30 50 24
Large Explosion 40 50 32
Mega Cascade
  • Connect the twin Kalina Anns to fire a supercharged energy beam that pierces through enemies.
  • The shooting direction can be slightly adjusted with the
  • Command: GS - + + O then hold O once Cascade begins
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Mega Cascade 1150+ 2250+ 1150+
Red Shot
  • Spit a high-velocity stream of Red Orbs at the enemy.
  • Expends the Red Orbs you've collected. Starts about 20 then speeds up the fire rate the longer you hold the button.
  • Command: Press and Hold
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Normal Shot 8 8 4
Man In The Red
  • Carpet the area around you with countless Red Orbs that will damage enemies on contact.
  • Expends 400 Red Orbs on activation.
  • Red orbs damaged by an enemy will be automatically replenished and consume 1 per 50 pieces.
  • If used the command again the carpet will be sent towards the enemy.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Man In The Red 2 7 1
Set Hat
  • Toss the hat, making any enemy it hits drop Red Orbs when struck with a weapon other than Dr. Faust.
  • Taking any hits from enemies targeted by Set Hat will make you yourself lose Red Orbs
  • This skill or Mad Hatter will make your attack power multiplied by 1.1 against the enemy that received this effect.
  • GS Lv3 will extend the duration from 10 to 15 seconds. The number of enemies target is also increased from 3 to 5
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Set Hat 50 100 40
Hat Trick
  • Inflict damage on all enemies hit by Set Hat or Mad Hatter while absorbing Red Orbs.
  • Add 150 Stylish Points at the time of Hat Trick success
  • Rewards 400 Orbs on success.
  • Each Dr. Faust upgrade will give higher reward. 2 = 600 | 3 = 800 | 4 = 2000
  • Command: After executing a Set Hat or Mad Hatter right when you catch the hat
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Hat Trick 200 350 160
Mad Hatter
  • Send your Orb-bladed hat spinning around you, striking multiple enemies as it flies.
  • Enemies hit by this attack will discharge Red Orbs on subsequent strikes from weapons other than Dr. Faust.
  • This skill or Mad Hat will make your attack power multiplied by 1.1 against the enemy that received this effect.
  • Command: GS - O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Mad Hatter If used with Set Hat 50 78 70 40 0
Magic Hat
  • The hat floats around Dante, unleashing its Red Shot attack like a turret.
  • Execute the same command after the activation to call the hat attack.
  • This effect ends if Dante takes damage or uses different Dr. Faust command.
  • Command: GS - + + O then after activation
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Magic Hat 8 8 4
Red Hot Night
  • Summon a swarm of colossal Red Orbs to slam down on the enemy from above.
  • Gains power the longer you hold O
  • Red Orb Consumption increased the further you upgrade Dr.Faust from 2~4
  • Command: GS - + + O
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Red Hot Night 1670+ 1200+ 0
Dr. Faust

  • Each level Increases the effectiveness of Dr. Faust with Red Orb gain.
  • The attacks will be much more powerful and changes certain skills properties like Red Hot Night stocks.
  • Expend the DT gauge and charge the SDT Gauge.
  • Hold and release to transform if the SDT Gauge is full.
  • Command: In human or devil form, hold
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Accumulate 100 300 0
SDT Combo
  • Perform a crushing three-stage combo attack that unleashes the full power of the DSD.
  • 3rd hit has additional attack impact.
  • Command: > >
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
SDT Combo 1450 960 0
The Ombra
  • Energy blasts from your palms slam into the enemy with terrific force.
  • Attack power stays the same regardless of the distance.
  • Command:
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
The Ombra 150 200 0
Air Raid
  • Spread your wings and hover in the air.
  • Tilt to move while hovering, or press X to fold your wings and fall to earth.
  • Command: During a jump, press X while falling
  • Move at hyper speed, reaching the enemy in the blink of an eye.
  • Command: O
Sin Inferno
  • Slam a thunderous punch into the ground, making the fires of hell erupt around you and launch any nearby enemies into the air.
  • Damage depends on how the enemy distance from the area of effect.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Away from the center 250+ 250+ 0
Close to the center 300~500 500~700 0
Sin Stinger
  • Charge into the enemy surround by a whirlwind of swords.
  • Tears through any enemy, leaving tattered shreds in your wake.
  • Maximum rotation is 27 times.
  • Hold to keep the attack going.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Sin Stinger 285+ 400+ 0
  • Grab an enemy and trigger a blast from within, shattering the enemy with raw explosive power.
  • Normal enemies instantly.
  • The damage starts from range 750 but the cap changes according to the difficulty level
  • Command: press and hold
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Demolition Determined by difficulty 1000 0
The Luce
  • Focus energy into your outstretched wings and raze the earth with a laser barrage.
  • Hold to keep the attack going.
  • Command: press and hold
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
The Luce 900+ 1000+ 0
  • Unleash all of your power at once, bathing nearby enemies in lethal damage.
  • Expends all of your SDT Gauge.
  • Command: +
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Judgement 2000 1600 0
Quadruple S
  • When transformed into SDT with Stylish Rank SSS, press while the SDT Gauge is glowing to disengage your transformation.
  • This allows you to unleash your SDT power for a moment and attack.
  • The skill that was being used during SDT will also be cancelled.
  • Command: While transformed into SDT form with Stylish Rank SSS, press when the SDT Gauge glows
Damage Stylish Points DT gain
Quadruple S 100 400 0