~~Title: Alt+Enter Window Skip~~
Alt+Enter Window Skip
====== Alt+Enter Window Skip ====== This is the first skip in the DMC series where a player can avoid [[dmc4:enemy#agnus|mandatory boss fight]]. Only [[dmc4:vergil|Vergil]] can do this by going OoB from the first ring floor. Although, he must back-track to Foris Falls to dam off the waterfall. ===== General Info ===== * For some reason, it's required to fall off from the first ring to enable [[dmc4:vergil|Vergil's]] ability to clip. As you fall do Trick up → StarFall to land on the first ledge. * The Alt + Enter must be done during StarFall animation, which is why the Jump was done backward. * The game should be paused briefly so the FPS goes back into 120. * Navigate the control board by the map as demonstrated in the video reference. ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/-W9hR2Jahtw?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|M6 Vergil Alt-Enter Clip by renzero]]