~~Title: Alt+Enter Echidna I Warp~~
Alt+Enter Echidna I Warp
====== Alt+Enter Echidna I Warp ====== The idea of this skip is similar to the usual [[dmc4:skips:forest|M7 Forest Skip]] but for [[dmc4:vergil|Vergil]], it's faster for him to go with this route as it saves more time from switching Turbo On/Off. ===== General Info ===== * DT is needed to complete this skip for FPS manipulation. * It's necessary to activate vanishing floor mechanic to fall off from it's ledge. It's one of prerequisites to complete the skip mechanics. * Once Speed is active, DT then time Alt + Enter + Trick up to clip through the withering seed. * Lost Woods puzzle is same as Mission 8 before [[dmc4:credo|Credo]]. ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/Uja66ghgEdY?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|M7 Vergil Alt-Enter Clip by renzero]]