~~Title: Alt+Enter Credo Warp~~
Alt+Enter Credo Warp
====== Alt+Enter Credo Warp ====== [[dmc4:vergil|Vergil]] in Mission 8 can skip can get into upper bridge of the Forgotten near the Combat Adjudicator by going OoB. This enables him to get into [[dmc4:credo|Credo]] fight while avoiding the rest of the section such as the [[dmc4:enemy#assault|assault fight]] and Lost Woods puzzle. ===== General Info ===== * Must hit the Combat Adjudicator with Jump → Trick up → StarFall for FPS drop. * The Alt + Enter must be done instantly as soon as you press Trick up to clip through the rocks. Then Jump on the upper grass platform before you StarFall behind the Adjudicator * Make sure that [[dmc4:vergil|Vergil]] is near to the door before getting in-bound with Aerial Rave B → Trick up ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/23Ono4dQx4k?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|M8 Vergil Alt-Enter Clip by renzero]]