~~Title: The Savior~~
The Savior
Legs - 150Shoulders/Back - 250
Head - 200 Main - 6,000
====== The Savior ====== **The Savior** is a one time boss that appears end of second character section at Mission 18.\\ ==== Dante ==== * This boss is actually auto-scroller and will go the same way every time. * You can refer to current [[dmc4:sob|Sum of Best]] on how Phase 1 is done. * [[dmc4:enemy#the_savior|Savior]] knock down is always on timer. This means it usually doesn't matter on how fast you can break the crystals with Pandora or DS Yam. * Some people might say that you need a [[dmc4:just_frame_attacks|Just Frame Straight]] to kill this boss. This is not true. The only condition is landing [[dmc4:distorting|Distorted Straight 2]]. [[dmc4:just_frame_attacks|Just Frame]] is mostly useful on visual cue. * If worst comes to worst with RI whiff and such abuse PF398: Revenge and RG Releases to knock him down for the last time. * For the old cycle [[youtube>embed/HISX5nBQZ-s?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|It takes two good DRI to kill]] otherwise you add extra DRI or [[dmc4:just_frame_attacks|Just Frame Straight]]

[[dmc4:nero_dante|Dante]] can tank Savior's final flash and use TS with PF262: Jealousy to skip the platform running

If you opt for Regular [[dmc4:distorting|Distorted Straight 2]] remember to DRI from Human-state for more damage

> Other characters can also do Final Flash Skip [[youtube>embed/ARpOKQzJwh0?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Trish]] | [[youtube>embed/swzwrVB71yo?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Vergil]] ===== Video Demonstration =====

Dante [M18 Savior] - 100% Consistent cycle

Dante [M18 Savior] - Optimal cycle

It's good to check the [[dmc4:frequently_asked_questions|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] if you have general questions regarding the bosses.