~~Title: Infinite Max-Bet~~
Infinite Max-Bet
====== Infinite Max-Bet ====== This glitch is exclusive to [[dmc4:nero_dante|Nero]] where he can buffer inputs while the character is still recovering from an animation and because he still maintains his DT apperance, it can be used indefinitely. ===== General Notes ===== * This trick works in any version of the game. * Maximum Bet will stop working if [[dmc4:nero_dante|Nero]] is interrupted, player's mistime of the buffering input or Showdown * There are currently no reliable applications from it as DT management is very important for [[dmc4:nero_dante|Nero]] ===== Video Demonstration ===== * [[youtube>embed/n6zQ5yCfbsM?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Maximum Bet glitch demo by vsmk3]] * [[youtube>embed/e6EoAzgRSLc?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|Origin video from Allen Xiong]]