~~Title: Vergil Skills~~
====== ====== ====== Vergil Skills ====== This is a list related to the different techniques used for general [[dmc4:chapters:vergil_info|Vergil]] commands to understand Damage, Stylish points and properties. * The higher the Concentration level, the more potent Vergil's attacks will be in terms of overall damage. * Some moves like Combo A in DT has additional effects at the cost of expending part of the DT Gauge. * Beo has [[dmc4:just_frame_attacks|Just Charge property]] which emits a specific bright glow and unique sound effect. The damage becomes roughly twice as powerful. * Activating DT will pervent Concentration from draining in anyway while also filling up at a much faster rate. * [[dmc4:chapters:vergil_info|Vergil's]] Concentration levels provide the following buffs on each weapons: * Yam - Disjointed hitbox range increases on his slashes to be able to slash at targets from further away, and the size and damage potency of both default and JJC Cut also increases. * Beo - Grants all chargeable attacks an extra charge level for more damage and knockback, indicated by everything else being darkened a bit by the more intense flashes of light. * FE - Attacks involving the weapon gain multi-hit properties, as well as increasing the size and damage of Round Trip.



Force Edge

Combo A
  • Four hit Yamato combo used by Vergil.
  • DT-state follows it up with 2 additional hits.
  • Command: > > >
Damage Stylish Points
Combo A - -
Combo B
  • Send an enemy flying, then follow-up a Summoned Sword attack.
  • Command: > > (Pause) >
Damage Stylish Points
Combo B - -
Combo C
  • Annihilate your enemy with a countless number of slashes.
  • Command: > > > (Pause) > tap
Damage Stylish Points
Combo C - -
Aerial Rave A
  • A multiple sword strike combo that deals devastating damage to airborne enemies.
  • Command: While in mid-air > >
Damage Stylish Points
Aerial Rave A - -
Aerial Rave B
  • Carve up an enemy with a spinning slash, then send them crashing down.
  • Command: While in mid-air > > (Pause) > >
Damage Stylish Points
Aerial Rave B - -
Judgement Cut
  • Unsheathe your sword with blinding speed and unleash a whirlwind of slashes.
  • This can be used after most Yamato skills.
  • Increase the attack power by releasing the command input when the scabbard sparkles.
  • Command: Hold then release
Damage Stylish Points
Judgement Cut - -
Upper Slash
  • Launch enemies into the air with an upward strike from Yamato.
  • Purchasing Upper Slash 2 will enable the hold down follow-up.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Upper Slash - -
Rapid Slash
  • Dash forward, relentlessly slashing everything in your path.
  • DT-state increases the distance and speed for chaining another.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Rapid Slash - -
Rising Star
  • A spiral cut that lifts both you and your opponent into the air.
  • Command: Hold after Rapid Slash
Damage Stylish Points
Rising Star - -
Judgement Cut End
  • Slash your enemies to shreds with super speed.
  • Can only be done while in DT-state with maximum concentration.
  • Command: O +
Damage Stylish Points
Judgement Cut End - -
Combo A
  • A powerful combo that ends with a double-roundhouse kick.
  • Any part of this combo can be charged.
  • Command: > >
Damage Stylish Points
Combo A - -
Combo B
  • Lightning fast kicks rock an opponent with speed and fury.
  • Any part of this combo can be charged.
  • Command: > > (Pause) >
Damage Stylish Points
Combo B - -
  • Focus upon an opponent from mid-air and dive down feet first to send them on your full boat down the River Styx.
  • Purchasing Level 2 will enable launch against an enemy.
  • Command: While in mid-air
Damage Stylish Points
Starfall - -
Beast Uppercut
  • Lunge towards an enemy and launch them into the air with a heavyweight uppercut.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Beast Uppercut - -
Rising Dragon
  • Charge up power to unleash a rising uppercut upon your enemy.
  • Command: After executing Beast Uppercut hold until your fist begins to glow then release.
Damage Stylish Points
Rising Dragon - -
Dragon Breaker
  • A devastating rising double uppercut, infused to the max with demonic power.
  • Command: After executing Beast Uppercut hold until your fist flashes twice.
Damage Stylish Points
Dragon Breaker - -
Lunar Phase
  • Move in on your enemies with this aggressive spin attack, finishing with a forceful heel kick. Can also be used in the air
  • Level 2 is stronger with faster spins.
  • DT-state followed up with the Rising Sun move from DMC3
  • DT-state Spins much longer at the air.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Lunar Phase - -
  • A dramatic display of power as you face down an enemy and unleash a flurry of powerful kicks.
  • Command: O +
Damage Stylish Points
Kick-13 - -
  • Transform simple jumps into damage dealing attacks.
  • Command: X
Damage Stylish Points
Flush - -
Combo A
  • A combo that does damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Command: > > tap
Damage Stylish Points
Combo A - -
Combo B
  • A combo that utilizes both Force Edge and Yamato.
  • Command: > > (Pause) > > tap
Damage Stylish Points
Combo B - -
Helm Breaker
  • A devastating overhead attack powerful enough to shatter the sturdiest of armored helms or demonic skulls.
  • Level 2 increases the speed.
  • Command: While in mid-air
Damage Stylish Points
Helm Breaker - -
High Time
  • A powerful attack that launches an enemy skyward.
  • By holding down , you will follow the enemy into the air.
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
High Time - -
  • Skewer an enemy at high speed with an attack sure to send them flying.
  • Level 2 is stronger and has more range.
  • DT-state enables this attack to cover a greater area and drills through enemies.
  • This technique can also be performed in the air however will not carry Vergil any sort of distance unless he is in DT-state
  • Command: + +
Damage Stylish Points
Stinger - -
Million Stab
  • A blinding whirlwind of stabs with enough momentum to blast an enemy backward.
  • Command: Hold while performing Stinger
Damage Stylish Points
Million Stab - -
Round Trip
  • Hurl Force Edge at an enemy.
  • The impaled blade will shred the enemy until called back by pressing .
  • It will create an whirlwind of vacuum that sucks the enemy in while carving them up.
  • Command: Hold then release
Damage Stylish Points
Round Trip - -
  • Attack even distant enemies with a shockwave from your sword.
  • Command: + O
Damage Stylish Points
Drive - -
Over Drive
  • Release another Drive shockwave.
  • Hold to increase attack power.
  • Command: After executing Drive press immediately after the release of a shockwave.
Damage Stylish Points
Over Drive - -