~~Title: NG+ No Items~~
====== NG+ No Items ====== [[dmc4:start|Devil May Cry 4]] **NG+ No Items** is a speedrun category in which the player tries to complete the game as fast as possible on a cleared file. The player must start the game with [[dmc4:chapters:nero_dante_info|Nero/Dante]] and reach the final buster against False Savior in Mission 20 as quickly as they can. Using other programs to affect the game or modifying the game with mod is not allowed.\\ \\ The leaderboards for this category are available: * [[src>dmc4?h=NG_No_Items-Devil_Hunter&x=jdz6mlg2-jlzr5908.21gv4861|Vanilla]] * [[src>dmc4se?h=NG_No_Items_PC-NeroDante-Devil_Hunter&x=xd1go4rd-gnxro4xn.mlnk22nl-dlo34p5l.5lmw990q|Special Edition]] ===== Routes =====
Route Estimated Time Runner VoD
Standard 58:12+ Artkiller
Vanilla 55:43+ hokuto_san_team
Route Estimated Time Runner VoD
Standard 1:42:07+ Artkiller
===== Rules ===== (The rules here are specific to this category. Go to [[dmc4:start:#rules|this page]] to find the rules that apply to all Devil May Cry 4 speedruns.) * You must play as Nero and Dante. * Timer stops on the buster of False Savior in Mission 20. * Super-Costumes are allowed in the Vanilla game while Special Edition has it's own seperate category. ===== Learning ===== Compared to [[dmc4:chapters:nero_dante_info:ng_plus|NG+]], this category is tailored to expand more knowledge on the combat tools that each character has. This is also the only way that MUST DIE mode can be accessed.\\ * It's recommended to have average understanding of [[dmc4:chapters:nero_dante_info:ng|New Game]] room clears before combining the NG+ tools. * It should also be noted that Vanilla movement is vastly different than Special Edition.