~~Title: Lady / Trish Info~~
Lady / Trish
New Game
New Game+ No Items
====== Lady / Trish ====== **Lady/Trish** starts at fast pace but slows down a bit later with the second half-section despite the rich crowd controls.\\ \\ This page provides information on the character mechanics. ===== Information ===== * This is the most forgiving category to learn and generally consistent. * Has the least [[dmc4:skips|skips]] till **Trish** received Alt + Enter shenanigans. * **Lady's** "DT-gauge" is represented by grenade icons. Instead of transforming, she performs a screen-filling explosion from a multitude of grenades. This combined with Charged shots makes her kill most of the enemies almost similar to [[dmc4:chapters:vergil_info|Vergil's]] pace. * The overall playstyle is ressembles to [[dmc4:chapters:nero_dante_info|Nero and Dante]] runs. * **Trish** is extremely good at wave clearing with Round Trip + Straight because it has the longest range and longest active time of any DMC iteration so far. However, she lacks reliable burst moves to fight against bosses. PF398: Revenge usage varies per situation. * Similar to [[dmc4:chapters:vergil_info|Vergil]], neither of the characters will have to worry about deflecting Alto Angelo's Formation attack: Energy Sphere for faster clears. ===== Move List ===== * [[dmc4:chapters:lady_trish_info:actions|Actions]] * [[dmc4:chapters:lady_trish_info:lady_skills|Lady Skills]] * [[dmc4:chapters:lady_trish_info:trish_skills|Trish Skills]] ===== Categories ===== * [[dmc4:chapters:lady_trish_info:ng|New Game]] * [[dmc4:chapters:lady_trish_info:ng_plus_no_items|New Game+ No Items]] ===== Video Tutorials ===== * N/A