====== Agnus ======
**Agnus** is encountered as the level boss of Mission 9 then becomes part of the boss rush in Mission 19. This boss is arguably one of the hardest fight in the series due to the reasons below.\\
Players can easily auto-pilot with [[dmc4:nero_dante|Nero]] that causes him to knock down in a wrong spot or lack of DT-management
Perfect cycle with [[dmc4:nero_dante|Dante]] requires two [[dmc4:distorting|Distorted Just Straights]] with the perfect-line up
==== Nero ====
* Both fight starts the same way with CS'3 → DT → EX3-Calibur
* **Mission 7** - Conserve DT for his [[dmc4:enemy#gladius|Gladius]] spawn. This allows you to min-max your damage while staying in DT longer however, you must turn off DT once he is stunned to save DT → CS'3 → EX3-Calibur for making him stay in the same spot after the first knock down.
* **Mission 19** - [[dmc4:enemy#basilisk|Basilisk]] allows you to use all of your DT-Gauge since you can Buster them to easily stun [[dmc4:enemy#angelo_agnus|Agnus]] and a nice white orb drop.
* The purpose of Slash → Aerial Combo is to ensure that you can react to his patterns and fix [[dmc4:nero_dante|Nero's]] spot when he is being pushed back by inertia.
==== Dante ====
After inital the Straight into RI if your camera, movement or the sequence feels off then prepare to adapt and dodge [[dmc4:enemy#basilisk|Basilisk]] shots
* Hardest fight in the game because of the two [[dmc4:just_frame_attacks|Full Just Frame Charges]] [[https://clips.twitch.tv/AnnoyingMagnificentSmoothieAMPTropPunch|V1]] | [[https://clips.twitch.tv/SillyHotBearKlappa-esfTtqMd-uPvsbQi|V2]]
* As seen above, the movement and the camera line must be perfect for the [[dmc4:enemy#basilisk|Basilisk]] to not attack.
* DRI usually make ups the loss if the first Straight 2 was not good.
* Alternative second sequence is [[dmc4:distorting|distorting]] last two hits of Combo A despite being risker, it usually salvages the situations better than a second Straight 2
* When things go south make absoutely to stay on ground and spam Reb Combo A. This so your DRI won't whiff when you have opportunity to execute it.
* Because Combo A requires six DT stock. Consider using the Back-up cycle that involves Overdrive kill against [[dmc4:enemy#basilisk|Basilisk]].
===== Video Demonstration =====
Nero [M9 Agnus] - Cycle example
Nero [M19 Agnus] - Standard cycle
Dante [M17 Agnus] - Combo A example
Dante [M17 Agnus] - DT Back-up
It's good to check the [[dmc4:frequently_asked_questions|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] if you have general questions regarding the bosses.