~~Title: Hell Vanguard~~
Hell Vanguard
Elemental Status
DT - 100 Thunder - 100
Fire - 100 Wind - 100
Ice - 100 Light - 105
====== Hell Vanguard ====== **Hell Vanguard** is first encountered as the level boss of Mission 2, but becomes a standard enemy in later missions.\\ ===== Strategy ===== > [[dmc3:vergil|Vergil]] trivializes this with his destructive Starfall and PS. Until [[dmc3:dante|Dante]] receives A&R or Beo for JC he has to start with clash release and Reb 1-2, Combo A then release with full RG Rage-meter and abuse Combo A. * Vanguard teleports a lot sometimes so, the fight isn't the same every time regardless of what you do. * [[dmc3:vergil|Vergil]] needs to get into DT during second cycle because Vanguard gets stunned easily with PS and Beo JC. ==== MUST DIE ==== The idea stays the same for both characters but they have to watch out for teleport attacks: * Run away in circles to bait the vertical teleport attack (doesn't hit you if you run) * Jump the horizontal teleport attack. [[dmc3:dante|Dante]] have to Roll guard non-teleport attacks and regular release whenever it's possible. ===== Video Demonstration =====

This is ideal fight with Dante.

Ideal fight with Vergil

It's good to check the [[dmc3:frequently_asked_questions|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] if you have general questions regarding the bosses.