====== Cake Dante ======
[[dmc3:start|Devil May cry 3]] **Cake Dante** is a speedrun category in which the player tries to complete the game as fast as possible while also collecting all blue orb fragment, equipment and killing all bosses.\\
The leadboards of this category are available [[src>dmc3sece?h=CAKE_Dante-Normal-PC&x=vdop8vo2-j84g4jw8.81w63z5l-rn1p3y1n.0q5dkynl|here]]
===== Objectives =====
The objective is to kill every boss and collect all health upgrades during the missions.
* Clearing all 12 secret missions (1)
* All blue orbs and blue orb fragments must be collected
* All usable equipment must be collected (3)(1) All of them need to be cleared when you finish the game. The rewards you get from these missions are part of full health upgrade requirement, which is the Blue Orb Fragment.
==== List of all Secret Missions to clear ====
At the side of second dumpster M3
At the side of elevator M5
At the start of M7
Inside a ship in leviathan on M8
after the waterfall on M9
Behind giant statue on M10
Above the devil star on M11
At the round staircase on M13
Hallway with the light puzzle on M13
At the side of Golden Sun Key Item
The middle glowing panel above the ledges in pitch black void on M17
Behind the feet on M18
==== List of all blue orb fragment locations ====
Adjudicator is special statue which rates the stylishness of the attacks upon it, and once the player reaches a specific Style Rank, signified by the number of lit flames on the statue, it will break and reward the player with a Blue Orb Fragment.\\
M3 Adjudicator
M5 Adjudicator
Above a ledge while going into cerberus fight.
On the upper part of the building on the left side (Rebellion B Rank)
Above the pipes after taking elevator
After the invisible bridge (Cerberus A Rank)
M6 Adjudicator
M7 Adjudicator
In the Dark Corridor (A&R A Rank)
In Pitch-Black Void area, on the highest level arch nearest to the bottom of the staircase
The room where you use the Orihalcon Fragment (Rebellion SSS Rank)
On the bow deck of the ship
M8 Adjudicator
M10 Adjudicator
In leviathan's Intestines after getting Ignis Fatuus (Cerberus SS Rank)
Subterraneand Garden, in the alcove on the top of the Divinity Statue
Outside the waterfall (Nevan B Rank)
At the entrance of the Altar of Evil Pathway.
M11 Adjudicator
M13 Adjudicator
M14 Adjudicator
Temperance Wagon area (A&R SS Rank)
Left side of the Obsidian Path (Nevan SS Rank)
Blocking the door (Beowulf C Rank)
After you get through the maze.
M17 Adjudicator
At the bottom of Underground Arena (Where you fought Geryon)
At the base of the God Cube Chamber (Beowulf SSS Rank)
After the Firestorm Chamber, follow the path to where the lift was to find it there
Defeat all Bosses
(3) While New Game skips majority of firearms, this category requires all of them for full completion. The devilarms by default are mandatory progression pick.
Mission 16: Artemis
Mission 9/10: Spiral
===== Routes =====
Estimated Time
===== Rules =====
(The rules here are specific to this category. Go to [[dmc3:start:#rules|this page]] to find the rules that apply to all Devil May Cry 3 speedruns.)
* You need to complete all the requirements listed above in every mission before reaching mission 20.
* [[dmc3:gigazip|Gigazip]] is not allowed.
* You must play as Dante.
* Timer stops on the final hit of Vergil in Mission 20.
* Make sure to turn on Turbo Mode in the game's settings so it runs 20% faster.
===== Learning =====
Learning a speedrun in Devil May Cry 3 may seem to daunting, but at the early stage the game is generous once you follow beginners route.\\
* Make savefiles before each part that you probably have issues with. You can backup and copy the savefiles ( HD Collection is generally in **\userdata\\631510\remote\** while the 2003 port is in **\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry 3** ) into a seperate folder.
* Make splits. Download a program like [[https://livesplit.org/|Livesplit]] and setup your splits. It does not matter how bad they are in your first run.
Once you have completed your first run and made savefiles practice the parts you are least confident with then try another run. When you get more confident you should stop getting safety routes and start tighten your currency.