====== Best Segmented Times ======
In this page, you can find the best IGT times achieved in each of the 18 missions in DMC2 [[dmc2:routes:dante_info|Dante's Disc]] as well as [[dmc2:routes:lucia_info|Lucia's Disc]] with 13 missions. This is meant to be a resource for folks who want to improve their times and want to learn the strategies to complete missions quickly. Barring RNG, it also acts as a Proof of Concept of how fast each mission can be pushed down to with the currently known strategies. Some notes:
* These segments are primarily focused on HD Collection release.
* * indicates [[dmc2:formulas|10× Bonus Orb mechanic]] performance, which is the most optimal for [[dmc2:routes:dante_info|Dante's]] route.
* Most lists were compiled through current and past PBs of WR holders of this game. Final Mission is fuzzy for both characters, since, for some runners, in the VODs the video ends before IGT screen appears. Therefore, IGTs were manually timed.
* IGT timer stops when you are at menu or cutscene.
* These IGT's are complied during the attempts not per segments.
===== Dante Disc =====