~~Title: Lucia Info (DMC2)~~
NG Lucia
NG+ Lucia
====== Lucia (DMC2) ====== **Lucia** runs feature the most execution. She never slow down due to the her usage of rapid fire cancels.\\ \\ [(DMC2 Official Complete Guide (2003): Tankobon Hardcover. Chapter 2, System; p. 67.)] This page provides information on the character mechanics. ===== Character Information ===== * Lucia's Amulet start is Frost Heart. * Has the fastest DT run animation in the game. * Extremely stubby melees. * Builds DT gauge like it's nothing. * Lucia melee damage is divided between her equipped melee and kick. * The DT heart elements will not proc from any of kicks other than the shockwave somersault kick. * Holding stick at start will start with slash and a kick. Not holding stick at all will be pure melee. ===== Move List =====

Regular Moves

Devil Trigger Moves

Fire Arms

Cross Cutters
  • 7-hit combo.
  • Performed by pressing 3 times without holding any
  • DT state - Generates Elemental effect at the ender.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Slash Hits 80 96 30 80 50
Kick Starter 110 132 30 80 50
Ender hit 120 30 80 100
Rodeo Drive
  • 5-hit combo.
  • Performed by holding after the first
  • Does not work in DT as she switches DT's own combo route.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Slash Starter 80 96 30 80 50
Kick Hits 110 132 30 80 50
Ender Kick 110 30 80 100
Dragon Tail
  • 8-hit combo.
  • Performed by holding after the second
  • Does not work in DT as she switches DT's own combo route.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Slash Hits 80 96 30 80 50
Kick Hits 110 132 30 80 50
Ender Kick 110 30 80 100
Wheel Kick
  • Input - + +
  • Builds good amount of DT bar. Kick an enemy with a front aerial flip.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Wheel Kick 110 132 30 80 200
Sky High
  • Input - + +
  • Can be in the mid air if held This move basically works same way as High Time.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Sky High 110 132 50 80 400
Axe Kick
  • Input - (mid-air).
  • Axe Kick can be cancelled for for multiple hits on a certain platform or enemy hitbox. However, it's not as effective as Helm Breaker. Spinner Top is much better option
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Axe Kick 110 132 50 80 400
Spinner Top
  • Input - Hold + x2 (mid-air).
  • 1st hit phase can be cancelled for for multiple hits on a certain platform or enemy hitbox, which makes some enivroment interaction like blue globes extremely effective.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
1st phase 110 132 50 80 100
2nd phase 120 50 80 100
Rapid Fire
  • Input - + X while holding any direction with + ×3
  • In DT you can just + X, ×3
  • This is Lucia's main tool of approaching enemies and movement. See Techniques section with Rapid Fire Cancel.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Rapid Fire 110 132 50 80 150
  • The attack power is higher than bow gun but it's very slow and primarily used to activate globes.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Underwater 80 96 50 80 100
  • Input - + at the moment of landing.
  • Useful against highly armored enemies which makes DT build strong as well as crowd control against enemy waves.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Lush 110 132 50 80 100
Weaning Moon
  • 6-hit combo.
  • Performed by holding after the first
  • Generates Elemental effect at the ender. Very strong combo for stun-locking enemies.
  • Gets cancelled if went back to Human as she switches back to Rodeo Drive route.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Weaning Moon 96 30 0 100
  • Multi-slash x8 combo that ends with somersault.
  • Performed by holding after the second
  • Ends with Rodeo Drive if went back to human form during multi-slash state.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Frenzied 96 30 0 120
  • This move can be performed in two ways. First is pressing DT transformation button before (Any direction) + at the end of the combo starter frame.
  • Second method is during Frenzied ender.
  • You will get Rodeo Drive ender instead if done from DT state.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Kick 132 30 0 100
Shockwave 120 50 0 100
Air Slashes
  • Input - Hold + x2 (mid-air).
  • Similar to Spinner Top but you will get two slashes instead.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
2nd phase start 96 50 0 100
2nd phase end 96 50 0 150
Aerial Cross
  • Requires Aerial Heart to get into Air Raid state
  • First attack can hit up to 3 times.
  • Throwing once is more than enough for DPS consistency
  • The drain for DT gauge can be heavy depending on the enivroment and equipped element.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
1st Attak 132 30 0 200
2nd Attack 132 50 0 200
Divine Anger
  • Input - +
  • Ground version - generates light pillars.
  • Air Raid version - generates meteors that tracks enemies
  • Can be also used Underwater which gives you meteor version.
  • Extermly effective against big enemies like goatlings since they pretty much take all the damage.
  • Drains 1,500 DT gauge after usage.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Ground 240 50 0 500
Air Raid 240 100 0 200
  • Has different varation of shooting speed and animation. Fastest one is mashing while standing still.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Daggers 40 12 10 12
  • Throws 3 darts in front 2 times, but it is rare for all daggers to connect against the same enemy.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Dart 40 12 10 12
Cranky Bombs
  • Possibly the best Fire Arm in the game. Not only because of the damage but also due to how much it builds DT gauge.
  • Can be used Underwater
  • Tapping alone will throw it to the ground that takes about 4 seconds to explode.
  • Holding + before tapping will make the bomb throw forward. Causing it to get direct hit against the enemy.
  • Depending on the enemy size it's possible that explosion damage can be taken up to 3-4 times.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Direct Hit 150 0 50 100
Explosion 100 50 50 50
  • Used to deal with underwater enemies. Although, Cranky Bomb setup is much faster and reliable.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Bowgun 20 1 10 10
Seraphic Soar
  • Throws 7 tracking feathers 2 times. The attack power per one shot is low, but if you hit all then the total damage is huge.
  • It's faster to use it in the air than ground, which makes her feathers come out faster
  • Has special properties depending on the equipped amulets.
  • Can be used in Underwater
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Seraphic Soar 36 12 0 10
  • Only avaliable to Daggers.
  • Input - + nearby multiple enemies on the side or back of the opponent.
  • Armor break value is higher than normal shots, so it's a useful move to utilise sometimes.
  • Can use it One-on-one by Holding Lock-off button then Direction → Lock-on → Shoot
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Twosome Time 40 50 10 100
Rain Storm
  • Performed by pressing immediately after air hike. This is only possible with darts.
  • Throws 6 darts at the same time, facing diagonally down. It's very fast and has a wide range. Can only be thrown at a certain angle.
Damage Normal Damage DT Armor break points DT gain Style point
Rainstorm 40 50 10 50

===== Categories ===== * [[dmc2:routes:ng_lucia|NG Lucia]] * [[dmc2:routes:ngplus_lucia|NG+ Lucia]] ===== Video Tutorials ===== * [[youtube>playlist?list=PL5iFYeD1oFELFPSVg4j3nPgpuaEmCv3J0|LonerHero : Complete NG Lucia Playlist]] ===== References ===== ~~REFNOTES /2 ~~ ~~REFNOTES~~