~~Title: Quick Flame Heart~~
Quick Flame Heart
====== Quick Flame Heart ====== Quick Flame Heart is a simple trick that helps [[dmc2:dante|Dante]] or [[dmc2:lucia|Lucia]] to grab the Flame Heart as they fall on the ground. It maintains the movement momentum where it saves considerable amount of time. ===== How to perform ===== * When you enter the hollow center of the tower, make sure that the character is at the centroid and facing right to the exit. [[dmc2:lucia|Lucia's]] position is bit tricky cause of the Red Orb dispenser. * Do the highest Air Hike possible then fly-up. Count the number of times that you ascend, which should be 9 times. * The 9th time is where you time unDT and quick tap forward with d-pad at the same time. * Don't move the characters at all when ascending. ===== Video Demonstration =====

Dante Example

Lucia Example