~~Title: Style and Orb Formulas~~
====== Style and Orb Formulas ====== [(DMC2 Official Complete Guide (2003): Tankobon Hardcover. Chapter 2, System; p. 70-71.)] Style formulas are added after an attack: * Style point of attack × (Number of attacks + 9) ×0.1 * If you perform an attack repeatedly, the style point for that attack will be reduced by 50%. * If you do another attack then the style value will return to normal. * The finisher hit gets a 5× bonus to style point gained. > Time to make a combo (Basically style meter time): From when style point was last added: Within 1.8s **Note:** When in the middle of a roll (Wallhike counts from the start until you bounce off the wall) or SDT activation until you can move again, the style timer will be stopped.
The points you get after you end a combo from a speific rank
Method Distance to attack
Far Middle Close
Jump 100 300 500
Roll 500 1,500 2,500
How combo ranks change
Display Points Multiplier Total style points
None x0.5 1499-
x1 1500~4999
x2 5000~9999
x3 10000~14999
x5 15000~19999
x10 20000+
===== Red Orb Drop Formulas ===== > {{https://dmc.wiki/_media/dmc2:2red.png?&50}} The amount of Red Orbs that drop when an enemy dies is based on number of points. To calculate: * [[dmc2:enemy|Take Enemy Total HP]] * Combo Rank Multiplier (Refer to the table table above) * Then Calculate the number of points you have according to this formula: Enemy total HP × 0.03 × Combo rank multiplier * After that crosscheck the points you have with the number of orbs the enemy will drop in the table below
Point Orbs Dropped
2,800+ 3,000
2,300~2,799 2,500
1,800~2,299 2,000
1,300~1,799 1,500
800~1,299 1,000
500~799 500
450~499 460
420~449 420
400~419 400
350~399 360
320~349 320
Point Orbs Dropped
300~319 300
250~299 260
220~249 220
200~219 200
150~199 160
120~149 120
100~119 100
50~99 60
30~49 40
10~29 20
9- 5
==== Bonuses ====
If your stylish rank consecutively reached and dropped in the order below, the next enemy you kill will drop ×3 the orbs:
If your stylish rank consecutively reached and dropped in the order below, the next 10 enemies you kill will drop x10 the orbs:
===== Green & White Orb Drop Formulas ===== > If HP/DT bar is full White/Green orbs will never drop
drop rate based on style rank and remaining health:
HP Remaining Drop Rate Chance
75% to less than 100% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% -
50% to less than 75% 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% 5%
25% to less than 50% 25% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10%
25% to lower 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 15%

drop rate based on style rank and remaining health:
D.T Gauge Drop Rate Chance
75% to less than 100% 10% 5% 5% - - -
50% to less than 75% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% -
25% to less than 50% 20% 15% 10% 10% 10% 5%
25% to lower 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 10%
===== References ===== ~~REFNOTES /2 ~~ ~~REFNOTES~~