~~Title: Horse Jump~~
====== Horse Jump ======
Horse Jump is a simple trick that helps to access the red door quickly by getting the hidden cache on the top of horse's spear statue.\\
===== How to perform =====
* Run straight down the middle of the staircase.
* Do a half tap jump then a full hold jump to get on the horse.
* Turn towards the spear and then do a stationary wall hike.
* Don't move the stick, dante will move forward on his own.
===== Video Demonstration =====
* [[youtube>embed/-f0zy3Jyzew?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|New Horse Jump Method 2023]]
* [[youtube>embed/wJeBeovVCWc?autoplay=0&wmode=transparent&start=0|V2 2023 Method]]
> Credits to FI3RY