~~Title: Chapters~~
====== DMC1 Chapters ====== > [[dmc1:start|Main Game Page]]
Mission Name Any% 100% AC Low%
01 Curse of the Bloody Puppets Tutorial
02 Judge of Death Tutorial
03 Destroyer of Ardor Tutorial
04 Black Knight Tutorial
05 Guiding of the Soul Tutorial
06 Evil of the Waterways Tutorial
07 Holding the Key of Ardor Tutorial
08 The Legendary Knight Returns Tutorial
09 New Strength Tutorial
10 Canyon of Mist Tutorial
11 Fate Tutorial
12 Ghost Ship Tutorial
13 Abyss Tutorial
14 Deep Darkness & Towering Mountains Tutorial
15 Wheel of Destiny Tutorial
16 Nightmare of Darkness Tutorial
17 Parted Memento Tutorial
18 Spirit Stone, "Elixir" Tutorial
19 Enter the Corrupted World Tutorial
20 Showdown with Nightmare Tutorial
21 Living Cave Tutorial
22 Legendary Battle Tutorial
23 Mother's Guide Tutorial
===== Categories ===== * [[dmc1:chapters:any|Any%]] * [[dmc1:chapters:all|100%]] * [[dmc1:chapters:ac|All Collectibles]] * [[dmc1:chapters:low|Low%]] ===== Buy List ===== ++++ Any% Normal - Intermediate | > :!: You have to get M3 and M5 SB to get early vortex. If you do not get early vortex, you can grab it on M12. If you have good ranks you can make all these buys without any extra item pickups, you have roughly 450 extra Orbs on M8 and 4K extra Orbs By M12. So you can buy Extra Items like Untouchable on M15 and M17 and still have 2K left over if you have a good orb route. If you have a bad or uncomfortable orb route, you can still pickup the Untouchable on M12/13. This route is to help gear you towards the Advanced Any% Route due to the strats and buys being very identical. Good Luck! * M3 - Stinger 2 * M4 - 3 HWs, 1 PO * M6 - Air Raid, Vortex 2 * M10 - 5 HWs * M15 - 5 HWs, Untouchable * M17 - 5 HWs, 1 PO, Untouchable * M18 - 5 HWs * M20 - 1 PO * M22 - 5 DS, 2 HWs, 1 PO ++++